    关键词  伺服系统  宏/微双驱动  PID控制  matlab仿真
    Title  Dual motor control system model simulation
            based on macro/micro drive
    With the rapid development of modern science and technology, servo system on the control precision and response speed and robustness requirements continue to improve, two-stage drive servo system arises at the historic moment, has been well developed and widely applied. To make use of the advantage of the performance of two sets of motor system control, so that both can drive high power load, but also can realize the precise adjustment of key components, this paper was based on the above reasons, is committed to study the macro micro bipolar drive control method, set up from the servo system macro/micro driven model to the optimization of PID control method of simulation, the accuracy of the system regulation. First of all, the design ofthe system overall plan, operation mode of two level platform of their own and connection control strategy. To establish the mathematical model of PMSM vector control, on the basis of vector control principle, coarse and fine channel platform three loop structure simulation model is built using Matlab /Simulink tools, combined with general structure design of the whole servo system simulation model is built. Secondly, we design the two platform position loop PID controller and the control algorithm and the coordinated control module was improved at the same time improve the strategy of connection between the two platform. Finally, according to the different parameters of the PID controller of the impact response of the system to complete the matlab simulation.
    Keywords  servo system  macro/micro  dual drive  PID control  matlab simulation
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 本文所做的工作及章节安排    3
    2  两级平台驱动结构分析    4
    2.1 伺服系统的驱动结构    4
    2.2 矢量控制    5
    2.3 本章小结    6
    3  系统的矢量控制结构设计和仿真模型建立    8
    3.1 PMSM矢量控制结构设计    8
    3.2 压电陶瓷驱动的精通道平台数学建模    9
    3.3 Matlab仿真模型建立    10
    3.4 本章小结    16
    4  两级驱动伺服系统中PID控制算法的应用    17
    4.1 PID控制算法的理论研究    17
    4.2 PID控制算法的控制影响分析    19
    4.3 本章小结    24
    结  论    25
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