关键词 城中村 村民 市民化 社会稳定 对策
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title the Citizen of the villagers in the city's influence
on social stability and its Countermeasures
The reconstruction of the Village is in full swing in many big cities in China, in the process of urbanization those landless farmers is a group that can not be ignored .During the process of the transformation to urban residents, on the one hand, those people usually have high income rely on the high rent; but the other hand, their ideas, lifestyles, behaviors still retain some apparent characteristics of the farmers. If in this process the guidance can not be scientifical and policies can not be made reasonable, it will lead to some negative impact on social stability. In order to correctly guide those city farmer's transformation into citizens, government must change its service ideas and ways of working, and further promote the reform of the system of urban and rural , strengthen the cultural skills training and education work for the villagers. This article use Chongqing as an example, to analyze the problems in the process of civilization and the causes of the problems from the perspective of social stability, and put forward some measures which can both maintain social stability and achieve the transformation from city farmers to citizen.
key words The village in the city;Villagers;Citizen;Social stability;measures
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 选题的价值和意义 1
1.2 核心概念的界定 2
2 重庆市城中村村民市民化状况 3
2.1 重庆主城“城中村”改造的基本情况 3
2.2 个案分析——重庆市巴南区民主村村民市民化现状 4
3 城中村村民市民化过程中影响社会稳定的因素 6
3.1 部分村民抵制城市化进程 6
3.2 城中村内环境恶劣引起社会治安混乱 7
3.3 城中村村民的生活方式仍保留着不少农民特征 7
3.4 村内离婚现象频繁影响家庭稳定 8
3.5 城中村内频发上访案 8
4 市民化过程中影响社会稳定因素的原因分析 9
4.1 现有户籍制度导致城乡二元化 9
4.2 食利阶层的形成影响政府对“城中村”的改造 9
- 上一篇:SPSS组织公正感与员工工作态度的关系研究
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