    关键词  挤塑型聚苯乙烯  阻燃  DSC-TG-MS-IR  锥形量热仪
    Title   Experiments and analysis of extruded polystyrene material flammability
    In order to briefly know more about the flame-retardant property of the extruded polystyrene during the fire, taking between flame-retardant XPS andnon-flame-retardant XPS, the TG data from the laboratory has been analyzed by using DSC-TG-MS-IR combined techniques and Cone calorimeter.After the discussion and thermo analysis for TG data from laboratory, using Kisssinger and Ozawa methods, the activation energy, the pre-exponential factor and other dynamics coefficients are obtained through the calculation.The dynamics coefficients indicate that Flame-retardant XPS can act relatively stable when the oxidization reaction is going on.After the released gas analysis from the decompositions of the two XPS, it is inferred that the flame retardant principle non flame retardant XPS model is caused by the stabilization of the carbon chain since adding of the flame retardant. Furthermore, through the comparison of the rate of heat releasing and volume of the smokes, using the Cone calorimeter, it is found that the amount of the heat released from flame-retardant XPS and the amount of the smoke released are less that red XPS.According to the whole lab process, the flame retardant XPS can perform better that non flame retardant XPS.
    Keywords extruded polystyrene  Flame-retardant  DSC-TG-MS-IR  Cone calorimeter
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 本论文的工作    2
    2 仪器及方法简介    2
    2.1 实验仪器    2
    2.2 动力学分析方法简介    3
    2.3 锥形量热仪参数简介    6
    3 两种XPS可燃性实验分析    7
    3.1 实验仪器与材料    7
    3.2 实验条件    7
    3.3 红色XPS实验结果    9
    3.4 灰色XPS实验结果    19
    结论    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
    1 绪论
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