    摘要: 以马来酸酐接枝的聚苯乙烯(PS)为增容剂,通过密炼机熔融混合,制备了不同改性配比的氨纶/PS共混物,研究了不同的聚氨酯添加量对聚苯乙烯物理、力学性能的影响。研究结果表明改性五(即:聚氨酯、增容剂、PS原料分别为5、20、75份)的综合性能较好,其断裂伸长率为3.52%,提高了0.88%,拉伸强度提高为51.74Mpa,提高了1.48 Mpa,弯曲强度为49.61Mpa,减小了6.22Mpa,冲击强度为3.51 KJ/m2,减少了0.22 KJ/m2。此外,改性五的熔融指数较PS原料(6.042g/10min)有所上升,为6.048g/10min。这说明改性五在成型时流动性较好。并且改性五的玻璃化转变温度相对于PS原料(139.2℃)有所增加,提高到145.3℃。而文卡热变形温度分析表明改性PS的热变形温度变化幅度较小,都在90℃上下波动。5569
    关键词: 聚氨酯;马来酸酐;接枝;聚苯乙烯(PS)
    Study on toughening and recycling PS with polyurethane
    Abstract:The polyurethane/PS blends with different ratios of polyurethane, bulking agent and PS was prepared by mixer using Maleic anhydride grafted polystyrene (PS) as a bulking agent. The physical and mechanical properties, morphologies of samples with different content of polyurethane were extensively investigated. The experimental results showed that the the modified five (i.e.: Polyurethane, compatibilizer, PS material are 5,20,75phr) have a better integrated performance. It’s fracture elongation is 3.52%, increased by 0.88%, tensile strength is 51.74Mpa, increased by 1.48MPa, while It’s bending strength is 49.61Mpa,decresed by 6.22Mpa, impact strength is 3.51 KJ/m2, decresed by 0.22 KJ/m2. In addition, the melt index of the modified five is 6.048g/10min higher than PS material (6.042g/10min). This shows that the modified five have a good fluidity during molding. And the glass transition temperature of the modified five increased to 145.3℃, which is higher than PS material (139.2℃). The analysis of the Vicat heat distortion experiment shows that the thermal deformation temperature of modified PS fluctuates around 90℃.
    Keywords:    Polyurethane; MAH; Grafting; Polystyrene;
     目  录
    摘要:    i
    Abstract:    i
    目  录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    聚苯乙烯增韧研究进展    1
    1.1.1    刚性粒子增韧聚苯乙烯的研究    1
    1.1.2    刚性聚合物微球透明增韧聚苯乙烯    2
    1.1.3    不同烷氧基钬掺杂增韧聚苯乙烯    2
    1.1.4    羧基丁苯-纳米氧化硅复合粉末增韧聚苯乙烯    2
    1.1.5    基于选区激光烧结的无机纳米A12O3粒子增强增韧聚苯乙烯    2
    1.2本课题研究内容,目的及意义    3
    2    实验部分    4
    2.1    增容剂的制备    4
    2.1.1    增容剂的选择    4
    2.1.2    实验原料    5
    2.1.3    实验仪器及设备    5
    2.1.4    实验步骤    5
    2.2    再生氨纶/PS的制备    5
    2.2.1    实验原料    5
    2.2.2    实验仪器及设备    5
    2.2.3    实验步骤    6
    2.3    改性PS的注塑成型    6
    2.4    工艺路线    6
    3    结果与讨论    7
    3.1    红外光谱测试    7
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