    关键词:错流电微滤  腐殖酸  重金属离子  抗污染性能
    毕业论文设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 电化学与有机膜耦合处理含重金属有机废水研究
    Title  Organic membranes coupled with electrochemical study on treatment of organic wastewater containing heavy metal                
    The topic discusses with the coupling of organic membrane and electrochemical to deal with organic wastewater containing heavy metals. Mainly research is on the application of electric field on the electrophoretic migration, electro-coagulation of particles electrochemical oxidation in wastewater to mitigate membrane fouling. By exploring the effect of the electric field filter organic wastewater containing heavy metals through the organic microfiltration membrane, evaluate the filtration performance under different conditions of electric and hydraulic parameters. Experimental study the attenuation of the flux and retention rate of HS and Cu2+ on different voltages, TMPs, and the cross-flow velocities, depending on the size of the retention rate and flux to determine the optimum voltage, TMP, and cross-flow velocity. And observe the morphology of contaminated filtration membrane. Experimental results show that the electric field can reduce the level of membrane fouling. High electric field, TMP and cross-flow velocity of flow in favor of HS migration and cohesion as well as the migration of Cu2+. When voltage of 100V, TMP of 300rpm and the cross-flow velocity of 0.1m/s were applied, the mixture of HS and Cu2+ revealed the best filtering effect. The final interception rate of HS is 91.53%, the removal rate of Cu2+ is 89.85%.
    Keywords: cross-flow electro-microfiltraion  humic substance  heavy metal ion
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题任务及意义    4
    材料与方法    5
    2.1  实验试剂与材料    5
    2.1.1  实验试剂    5
    2.1.2  实验材料    5
    2.2  实验装置    5
    2.3  实验方法    6
    2.3.1  预处理    6
    2.3.2  HS过滤性能实验    7
    2.3.3  Cu2+分离实验    7
    2.3.4  综合实验    8
    2.3.5  电场对膜污染的影响    10
    2.4  分析方法    10
    3  结果与讨论    11
    3.1  HS过滤性能实验    11
    3.1.1  不同附加电场强度对HS通量的影响    11
    3.1.2  不同附加电场强度对HS截留率的影响    13
    3.2  Cu2+过滤性能实验    14
    3.2.1  电场对Cu2+去除率的影响    14
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