    摘要在经济高速发展的现代,人们越发认识到环境污染的处理问题与新能源的开发是迫在眉睫的。而半导体材料因其在太阳能的利用方面有独特的优势,所以近年来对其研究逐渐深入。其中TiO2是研究的最为广泛的,但TiO2禁带宽度为3.2eV, 主要吸收紫外光,而占太阳能大部分的可见光不能被有效的利用,所以本文将能有效利用可见光的Bi2O3与其进行复合,制成复合氧化物,并研究复合氧化物的光催化性能。21395
    关键词:BiTi系复合氧化物     光催化活性
     Title  Synthesis of the BiTi composite oxide and Reaserch on its    performance
    In modern economic speedly development, people increasingly recognize that the processing of environmental pollution problems and the development of new energy is imminent. And semiconductor materials because it has unique advantages in the use of solar energy, so the further research in recent years. TiO2 is the material that has most of research, but through in-depth study found that TiO2 only have better efficiency to uv light, and most of the visible light can not be effective for solar energy utilization, so this paper will compound  it and Bi2O3 which material could effectively using visible light, made from composite oxide, and research the photocatalytic performance of the composite oxide.
    This literary grace water hot method by changing the molar ratios of Bi and Ti composite photocatalyst preparation BiTi series, and through XRD, TEM and XPS, UV - Vis reaction conditions to study the influence of thestructure,morphology and photocatalytic activity. By preparation of composite materials under uv light effect on the degradation of rhodamine B to measure, the result shows that in BiTi series composite oxide production Bi12TiO20 has the highest catalytic activity.
    Keywords: Composite oxide of BiTi     Light photocatalytic activity
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  背景介绍    1
    1.2  光催化剂    1
    1.3  半导体光催化剂    2
    1.3.1  半导体光催化剂    2
    1.3.2  半导体光催化剂的催化机理    2
    1.3.3  TiO2半导体光催化剂简介    3
    1.3.4  Bi2O3半导体光催化剂简介    4
    1.4  复合半导体光催化剂    5
    1.4.1  复合半导体的概念和意义    5
    1.4.2  BiTi系复合氧化物半导体光催化剂    6
    1.4.3  BiTi系复合氧化物半导体的合成方法    7
    1.5  本文主要工作内容    9
    2   BiTi系光催化剂的制备、表征、及光催化性能研究    10
    2.1 BiTi系复合氧化物光催化剂的制备    10
    2.1.1 主要试剂和仪器    10
    2.1.2  实验步骤    11
    2.2 Bi4Ti3O12的表征    11
    2.2.1 XRD测试    11
    2.2.2 固体紫外测试    12
    2.2.3 X射线光电子能谱测试    12
    2.2.4  TEM测试    13
    2.3  Bi12TiO20的表征    15
    2.3.1 XRD测试    15
    2.3.2 TEM测试    15
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