    Preparation of lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder by Molten Salts method
    Abstract:In this paper, zirconium oxide and lanthanum oxide as raw material , sodium chloride and potassium chloride as a flux , using molten salt prepared lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder. The effects of different grinding time , molten salt , reaction time, reaction temperature , molten salt type on lanthanum zirconate powder purity and phase structure . Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron spectroscopy (EDS) for powder characterization. By the X-ray diffraction diagram analysis , with the grinding time increases , the degree of reaction increases, generated more pure lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder , the more complete the crystal structure , the grinding time is 3-4h better ; salt melt reaction act as a solvent and reaction medium , the reaction does not change the level of the molten salt has no effect on the ratio of product purity and phase structure ; with increasing reaction time, the increased amount of the resulting product , when the reaction time is close to 7h, the reaction almost completely to obtain a purer reaction product , crystalline perfection ; reaction temperature favors the formation of the product , when the temperature is close to about 1200 ℃, nearly complete reaction , the resulting lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder and pure full crystal structure ; using sodium chloride as a reaction better than the flux , the resulting lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder is more pure , more complete crystal structure . EDS analysis of the images shows that the product La, Zr, O content ratio of 2:2.78:8.73 three elements , with the theoretical results 2:2:7 large difference may be due to an error caused by the instrument . SEM analysis of the crystal morphology known lanthanum zirconate , lanthanum zirconate crystal particles flake, crystalline particles row boob closely , there are obvious agglomeration between clumps together with the block there is a gap .
    Keywords: molten salt method;lanthanum zirconate ceramic powder;crystalline
    目  录

    1 引言    1
    1.1 热障涂层的相关介绍    1
    1.2 锆酸镧陶瓷粉    1
    1.3 陶瓷粉末的制备    2
    1.3.1 固相反应法    2
    1.3.2 溶胶凝胶法    2
    1.3.3 化学共沉淀法    3
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