    摘要二氯甲烷是一种很好的工业溶剂,用途广泛。甲烷氯化的反应是很强放热的反应, 反应温度不易控制。以甲烷为主要成分的天然气、氯气和循环气体在混合器中混合后进入反应器, 反应后气体经空气冷却以后,进氯化氢冷却吸收塔以除去氯化氢,然后再进入中和塔,氢氧化钠溶液除去残余的氯化氢和游离氯。经过净化的气体经二段压缩后进冷却器, 用水冷却,再进入冷却器中,冷凝的粗氯化液送往蒸馏工段进行精制,分离出一氯甲烷、 二氯甲烷和氯仿。不凝的气体一部分放空外其余循环使用。本文在此流程中,进行物料衡算和能量衡算,设计氯化吸收工段的流程,以及所用的设备。24327
    毕业论文关键词:二氯甲烷,氯化吸收, 物料衡算,能量衡算
    Preliminary design of methylene chloride manufacturing process technology chloride absorption section
    Methylene chloride is a good industrial solvent, widely used. Methane chlorination reaction is highly exothermic reaction, the reaction temperature is difficult to control. Methane as the main component of natural gas, chlorine gas and recycle gas in a mixer and mixed into the reactor, the reaction gases are cooled after the air into the absorption column to remove the hydrogen chloride was cooled, and then into the tower, a solution of sodium hydroxide to remove residual hydrogen chloride and free chlorine. The purified gas is further compressed by the backward cooler,
    cooling with water, and then into the cooler, the condensed crude chloride was passed to a distillation purification section to separate the methyl chloride, methylene chloride and chloroform. Part of the non-condensable gas venting outside the rest recycled. In this paper, this process, make the material balance and energy balance, chloride absorption section of the design process, as well as the equipment used.
    KeyWords :Absorption of methylene chloride, chlorinated, material balance, energy balance
    目 录
    前 言    1
    第一章 总 论    2
    1.1概述    2
    1.1.1二氯甲烷的物理化学性质    2
    1.1.2质量标准    4
    1.1.4产品的市场需求    5
    1.2原材料的规格、来源及净化    5
    第二章   生产工艺流程简述    6
    2.1二氯甲烷的生产原理及生产方法    6
    2.1.1生产原理    6
    2.1 .2二氯甲烷的生产方法及特点    7
    2.2生产工艺流程简述    8
    2.2.1甲烷氯化物生产工艺流程简述    8
    第三章 物料衡算和热量衡算     11
    3.1 计算基准    11
    3.2 物料衡算和热量衡算    11
    3.2.1反应器的物料衡算和热量衡算    11
    3.2.2空冷器的物料衡算和热量衡算    15
    3.2.3膜式吸收器的物料衡算和热量衡算     16
    3.2.4 中和塔(填料塔)    20
    第四章 主要设备的工艺计算及选型    21
    4.1 空冷器    21
    4.2第一膜式吸收器    23
    4.3第二膜式吸收器    29
    4.4 中和塔(填料塔)    32
    4.5硫酸干燥塔    36
    4.6 热交换器    37
    4.7冷凝器    39
    4.8盐酸分离器    40
    4.9 稀酸分离器    40
    4.10 碱液泵    41
    4.11配碱槽    41
    4.12 浓酸中间槽    42
    4.13 浓酸泵    42
    4.14压缩机    42
    4.15粗氯化液液贮槽    42
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