      Secondary treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater by Multi-stage biological process
    Abstract: In this paper the anoxic - aerobic - anoxic - aerobic (AOAO) multi-stage biochemical equipment was used to study the removal rates of COD and NH4+-N in treating the pharmaceutical wastewater. The effects of different operating conditions such as HRT, and dissolved oxygen on the hydrolysis acidification and aerobic stage treatment stage were studied. Experimental results show that the removal and degradation of COD and NH4+-N occurred mainly in the biological contact oxidation stage. Rising pollutants concentration can increase the removal of pollutants, but when the COD and NH4+-N influent concentration increased to higher than 1000mg/L and 90mg/L, respectively, the removal rates began to decline. It was found that, at the conditions of the dissolved oxygen of about 5mg/L, HRT of 24h and the COD influent concentration of 400-800mg/L, the removal rate of COD could reach from 70% to 85%, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen is stabilized at 90%.
    Key words: Multi-stage biological process; Pharmaceutical wastewater; Secondary treatment; Biological contact oxidation; Hydrolysis Acidification
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  制药废水概述    1
    1.2.1  制药废水的产生    1
    1.2.2  制药废水的水质特征    1
    1.2.3  制药废水的危害    2
    1.3  制药废水处理方法概述    2
    1.3.1  制药废水的物化处理技术    2
    1.3.2  生物法    2
    1.3.5  小结    3
    2  实验方法与过程    4
    2.1  实验方案论证    4
    2.2  实验方案原理    4
    2.2.1  水解酸化机理    4
    2.2.2  生物接触氧化法处理机理    4
    2.2.3  生物脱氮的机理    5
    2.3  实验工艺流程和装置    5
    2.3.1  1号及2号水解酸化反应器(A)    6
    2.3.2  1号和2号好氧池(O)    6
    2.3.3  沉淀池    6
    2.4  实验废水    6
    2.5  实验装置的启动    7
    2.5.1  A1及A2的污泥接种及驯化    7
    2.5.2  O1和O2的污泥接种及驯化    7
    2.6  实验测定项目及分析方法    7
    2.6.1  化学需氧量的测定:    8
    2.6.2  DO的测定    8
    2.6.3  氨氮(NH4+-N)的测定:    8
    2.6.4  pH的测定    9
    2.6.5  温度的测定    9
    3  实验结果与讨论    9
    3.1  厌氧水解酸化的处理效果    10
    3.1.1  HRT对水解酸化过程的影响    10
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