    关键词  热塑性材料 熔融 流动性 实验台
    Title  The melting and flowing properties of the thermoplastic   
     material under the lateral thermal radiation                               
    The thermoplastic material is widely used because of its easy and cheap. But now it brings new problem to fire Prevention for its particularity in the fire. The purpose of this work is to research the melting and flowing properties of the   thermoplastic material under the lateral thermal radiation. We designed and set up that experimental device. Based on this device, we can research the melting and flowing properties of the thermoplastic material under the different thermal radiation, we demarcate thermal radiation of different section, and different points of the same section. By comparing the melting and flowing of the thermoplastic material, it is concluded that the closer of the distance the faster the melting and flowing getting on while other conditions are the same. When the hole appears, we write down the time , it is not only the faster but also the more serious it is getting on, and the hole is bigger when we cut off the heat. The results show that it is helpful for studying the melting and flowing of the thermoplastic material.
    Keywords  The thermoplastic material   melting and flowing   experimental device
    目   次
    1  绪论    3
    1.1 研究背景    3
    1.2  研究现状    4
    1.4 本论文工作    5
    2  实验台设计    6
    2.1 实验台理论设计    6
    图2.1 实验台设计图    7
    2.2 实验台实际设计    8
    图2.2 实验台实物图    8
    2.3 实验台功能    9
    3  热通量标定    10
    图3.1  断面测量点示意图    10
    图3.2 传感器装置图    11
    图3.3 采集数据界面图    11
    图3.4 5cm点11的热敏计电压读数图    12
    表3.1  5cm处热辐射强度标定值(W/m² x104)    13
    表3.2  10cm处热辐射强度标定值(W/m² x104)    13
    表3.3  15cm处热辐射强度标定值(W/m² x104)    13
    4  热辐射实验    15
    图4.1 热塑板辐射实验效果图    15
    表4.1  热辐射作用下出现孔洞时间(s)    16
    结  论    17
    致  谢    19
    1  绪论
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