     Alkaline copper plating technology research
    Abstract:Without cyanide copper plating technology research in China has come to a great achievement. The technology studied by Harbin Institute of Technology which won the national award for its salt of citric acid and tartaric acid copper plating and the technology of hydroxy ethyl fork phosphonic acid (HEDP) without cyanide copper plating process directly which is studied by Nanjing University have been put into operation. The production experiments showed that the two kinds of electrolyte composition is stable, dispersion ability and coverage are good, plating and the adhesion strength of the collective is stronger.
    The experiment was aimed to study citrate system which is injected other single electroplating auxiliary complexing agent to get a technological formula that the plating surface is meticulous and having a strong binding force between the coat and the substrate. Then, I will have a optimization experiment,changing various experimental conditions and the component content to get the best technology formula.
    Through the experiment to get the following results:
    Single auxiliary complexing agent system of citrate best formula is: potassium citrate 200g/l, copper sulfate 40g/l, amine compounds 50g/l, pH of 9 to 10,the temperature is 60 ℃. The coating on the surface of this formula is fine.
    Key words: Alkaline copper plating,citrate copper plating,auxiliary complexing agent
    目  录
    1 前言    1
    1.1 课题研究的内容、目的    1
    1.2 课题的主要技术要求    1
    1.2.1 电镀    1
    1.2.2 化学镀    2
    1.3 无氰碱性电镀铜的研究进展    2
    1.3.1 国内进展    2
    1.3.2 国外进展    2
    1.3.3 应用前景    3
    2 柠檬酸盐镀铜体系的工艺原理    4
    2.1 电沉积镀铜    4
    2.2 柠檬酸碱性镀铜的特点及优势    4
    2.3 柠檬酸盐镀铜机理    4
    3 工艺实验研究方法及步骤    6
    3.1 工艺试验方法    6
    3.2 工艺流程    6
    3.2.1 基础溶液的配置    6
    3.3 工艺性能测定的方法    7
    3.3.1 铜镀层外观的检测    7
    3.4 主要仪器、试剂、材料等    7
    3.4.1实验仪器和设备    7
    3.4.2 实验的材料    8
    4 工艺研究的结果分析和讨论    8
    4.1 无辅助络合剂    9
    4.2 不同辅助络合剂对柠檬酸盐体系的影响    10
    4.2.1 酒石酸对本实验体系的影响    10
    4.2.2 D-葡萄糖酸钠对本实验体系的影响    11
    4.2.3 三乙醇胺对本实验体系的影响    12
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