    毕业论文关键词: 羧甲基壳聚糖;聚751亚甲基盐酸胍;抗菌纸;物理性能;抗菌性。
    Preparation and Application of Antibacterial Paper
    Abstract: The modification of carboxymethyl chitosan was prepared by the aqueous phase condensation method, PHMG was successfully grafted to carboxymethyl chitosan. The modified products were characterized by IR, XRD and nitrogen elemental analysis. Then adding crosslinking agent to the modified product to product paper antibacterial agents.Adding the paper antibacterial agents to the base paper by different preparation process, and make comparison between the base paper and the product. The contents of PHMG and the reaction time of the paper antibacterical agents were determined by experiments.And the impact between the paper’s tensile strength, water absorption, hydrophilicity, thickness, gloss and the amount of crosslinking agent were tested, To determine the best preparation of the research scope.A new type of antibacterial paper was developed,which enjoy excellent physical properties and antibacterial properties.
    Keywords:  carboxymethyl chitosan; oligomeric guanidine; antibacterial paper; physical properties; antibacterial properties.
     目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  抗菌纸的概述    1
    1.2  抗菌纸的应用    1
    1.2.1  在医护用品中的应用    1
    1.2.2  在包装领域中的应用    2
    1.2.3  在环境保护中的应用    2
    1.2.4  在日用品中的应用    2
    1.2.5  在流通领域中的应用    2
    1.2.6  在其他方面中的应用    2
    1.3  纸张抗菌剂的分类及抗菌机理    2
    1.3.1  无机系抗菌剂    3
    1.3.2  有机系合成抗菌剂    3
    1.3.3  天然系抗菌剂    4
    1.4  国内外抗菌纸的研究和应用    4
    1.5  羧甲基壳聚糖的概述    5
    1.6  聚751亚甲基盐酸胍(PHMG)的概述    6
    1.7  研究目的与意义    7
    2  实验    8
    2.1  药品与仪器    8
    2.2  PHMG的合成    9
    2.3  PHMG接枝羧甲基壳聚糖的反应    10
    2.4  纸张抗菌剂的制备    11
    2.5  抗菌纸的制备    11
    2.5.1  喷涂法    11
    2.5.2  浸渍法    11
    2.5.3  单面涂刷法    11
    2.6  抗菌纸相关测试    12
    2.6.1  抗菌纸定量分析    12
    2.6.2  抗菌纸厚度的测定    12
    2.6.3  抗菌纸拉伸强度的测定    12
    2.6.4  抗菌纸光泽度的测定    12
    2.6.5  抗菌纸吸水性能的测试    13
    2.6.6  抗菌纸亲水性能的测试    13
    2.6.7  改性羧甲基壳聚糖的结构表征相关测试    14
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