    本文提出了一种基于误差修正的思路, 能否准确测定实际废水中COD值的关键是如何建立影响因素与废水中COD值之间的数学模型,从而对检测值进行修正。对邻苯二甲酸氢钾标准溶液和实际水样进行了测定,分析研究了不同因素对其测定的影响,运用主成分分析法建立了影响因素和水样COD值之间的预测模型,探讨了消除其影响的方法。
    毕业论文关键词: 化学需氧量;数学模型;主成分分析法
    The contrast and research of COD in the rapid determination method and the traditional analysis method
    Abstract: chemical oxygen demand (COD), as a parameter of water quality evolution, is an important index to evaluate water pollution extent. At present, the heavy chromium acid potassium method used to measure the COD values. However, the value obtained by this method is often affect by some influence factors in measuring real water sample such as dissolved solid and is not consistent with the true value.
    In this paper, base on the deviation modification ideal, COD value was modified by through making the mathematical model about the relationship between the influence factors and COD value. The standard solution of COD and real water samples were measure to analyze the effects of various on influence factors in measuring result. The analysis method of the principal component method was used to make the mathematical model of influence factor and COD value and the modification method was also discussed.
    The experiment result shows that the mathematical model can be applied to the modification and analyze the COD value of the real water samples, it will be good reference for developing the COD measure.
    Key word:  chemical oxygen demand; mathematical model; analysis method of the principal component
    目 录
    1 绪论    5
    1.1  课题背景    5
    1.2  COD测定方法简介    5
    1.3 论文的研究目标    5
    1.4 水质COD的测定方法综述    5
    2 实验原理以及实验方法    8
    2.1  COD快速消解法    8
    2.1.1  仪器    8
    2.1.2 试剂    9
    2.1.3实验前期准备工作    9
    2.1.4 实验步骤    9
    2.2 空气冷凝法    9
    2.2.1仪器    9
    2.2.2 试剂    11
    2.2.3 实验前期准备工作    11
    2.2.4 实验步骤    12
    2.2.5 注意事项    12
    3两种方法对COD标准溶液的检测分析    13
    3.1两种方法检测结果误差分析    .13
    3. 2两种实验方法的重复性检    15
    3. 3真实值与两种检测方法的数学关系    16
    3. 4 真实值与两种检测方法关系的参数验算    18
    3. 5两种检测方法的之间的联系    20
    4 误差主成分分析模型的建立    21
    4.1 上海市中西三文药业有限公司污水处理流程简介    21
    4.2 误差主成分分析模型    21
    4.2.1 误差主成分分析模型介绍    24
    4.2.2误差主成分分析模型步骤    24
    4.3 模型应用    25
    4.3.1数据标准化处理    26
    4.3.2建立相关系数矩阵并且求解特征值与特征向量    26
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