    摘要:本设计的目的在于除去工业放空尾气中的有害物质。尾气的初始条件为:20℃,常压下,体积流量为10000m3/h混合气(空气+SO2),其中SO2质量分数5%,出塔SO2含量为0.02%。设计方案:用水吸收SO2属中等溶解度的吸收过程,为提高传质效率,选用逆流吸收流程。因用水作为吸收剂,且SO2不作为产品,故属用纯溶剂吸收过程。对于水吸收SO2的过程,操作温度及操作压力较低,工业上通常选用塑料散装填料。在塑料散装填料中,塑料阶梯环填料的综合性能较好,故此选用DN38聚丙烯阶梯环填料。设计结果为:塔径D=2.4m,塔高H=15m,裙座高H0=4.8m,填料层高度h=6m,筒体、封头和裙座的有效厚度 。36107
    Water Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide in a Packed Tower
    Abstract: The absorption of the design aims to remove harmful substances in the exhaust of industrial venting. The sulfur dioxide absorption water, design and operating conditions for the task is: At the temperature of 20 and under the atmospheric pressure,the gas mixture (air + SO2)in the amount of  procesing : 10000m3/h, volume fraction of sulfue dioxide in the inlet gas mixture:5﹪, emissions (sulfur dioxide by volume) : 0.02﹪. Design scheme: The sulfur dioxide absorption water, to belong to medium solubility absorption process, in order to improve the mass transfer efficiency, choose counter-current absorption process, because water absorbent do, and sulfur dioxide, not as products, so the pure solvents. Choice of filler: the process of water absorption of SO2, the operating temperature and operating pressure is low, the industry usually use plastic bulk packing. In the plastic bulk packing, plastic ladder ring packing performance is better, therefore the DN38 polypropylene ladder ring packing is being choiced.The design of the tower diameter is 2.4m, tower height is 15m,skirt height is 4.8m,packing layer height is 6m.Effective thickness of the cylinder, head and skirt is 8mm .
    KeyWords: H2O;SO2;Packed Tower ;Tower internals
    1 绪论1
       1.1 吸收技术概况1
       1.2 吸收设备发展1
       1.3 吸收在工业生产中的应用3
       1.4 国内外研究现状与水平3
    2  工艺计算
      2.1 基础物性数据6
        2.1.1 液相物性数据6
        2.1.2 气相物性数据6
        2.1.3 气液相平衡数据6
      2.2 物料衡算 7
      2.3 填料塔的工艺尺寸的计算8
        2.3.1 塔径计算8
        2.3.2 填料层高度计算10
      2.4 填料塔附件高度的计算13
    3 填料塔的机械设计16
       3.1 塔体的设计16
         3.1.1 筒体与封头的材料选定•16    
         3.1.2 筒体壁厚的计算•16
         3.1.3 封头壁厚的计算17
       3.2 裙座的设计•18
         3.2.1 裙座的材料选定18
         3.2.2 裙座的结构设计•18
       3.3 液体分布器简要设计20
         3.3.1 液体分布器的选型20
         3.3.2 分布点密度计算21
     3.3.3 布液计算21
       3.4 填料塔塔内件的设计•22
         3.4.1 填料的选择•22
         3.4.2 喷淋装置•24
         3.4.3 液体再分配装置•25
         3.4.4 填料的支承结构•25                        
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