
    2. 设计标准
    A. 生产过程危险品和有害因素分类与代码(GB/T13816-1992)
    B. 常用危险化学的分类标准(GB13690-1992)
    C. 工厂防火规定(GBJ16-1987)
    D. 污水综合排放规定(GBJ8978)
    E. 钢制压力容器(GB150)
    F. 工艺系统设备布置设计规定(HG20570)
    G. 化工装置管道布置设计规定(HG/T20549)
    H. 压力容器中化学介质典型危害和爆炸危险程度分类(HGJ43-1991)
    3. 设计原则及主要设计指标
    原则:(1) 安全:化工生产中的大量物质是易燃、易爆或者有毒性的。因此,设计必须充分考虑各种明显的和潜在的危险因素,保证生产人员的人身安全和生命安全。
    (2) 操作方便:在确定各个生产过程及设备的同时,还要合理确定操作条件。因为它对生产过程与设备的确立及其作用的发挥和控制方案的确定,都有直接关系。
    (3) 投资省:即要求经济地使用设备投资、土地资源、和人力成本。
    (4) 便于安装:工厂布置必须符合施工和安装作业的基本要求。尤其是需要考虑大型装置的吊装,厂内道路的路面构造和载重标准等应满足安装作业的最低要求。
    毕业论文关键词: 过硫酸盐;氨循环;电解;环保
    Study on the recycling and environmental improvement of ammonium during the production of persulfate 
    Instruction manual:
    Per-sulfate, its chemical formula is M2S208,  its common amount of chemical is Na, K, NH4, which has the high ability of oxidation, is widely used in many fields. It was used as laundry bleach in 1940s, then used in organic synthesis of monomer polymerization initiator. Again in the next 20 years, it was used for cleaning and micro corrosion of metal and circuit board. After that, per-sulfate is now widely used in textile, camera, battery, oil and other industries. Currently, a class of “Advanced Oxidation Technology ”is used to control environmental pollution abroad which uses the high oxidizing to degrade the organic pollutants. Domestic research in this field is not mature,  yet,  per-sulfate has a history of decades of  years abroad, compared with domestic, their process, equipment, is more stable and efficient. In recent years, the rapid development of chemical industry in China promote the demand of per-sulfate in the market, as new technology has introduced, the products have good prospects for development and wide use.
    At the moment, high-end per-sulfate is commonly imported in our country, in order to improve this situation, Shanghai Tiantan Auxiliaries co, LTD., based on the consideration of  prime cost, stability and energy consumption, chose to use electrolytic preparation of ammonium per-sulfate. It also independently developed efficient electrolytic cell and got the patent. Producing less impurities in the product with high stability as the goal, to meet domestic market demand quality per-sulfate. The project is aimed at finding a low energy consumption, high yield, green environmental protection, and suitable for industrial production of synthesis of per-sulfate solution.
    Per-sulfate production tech in China lags behind that of foreign countries, especially such big disadvantages in electrolytic cell backward structure, high power, low current efficiency, material consumption, etc. In some countries, non-electrolytic process is used to produce per-sulfate, whereas, this kind of process cost is much higher than the electrolytic process. Tiantan select scheme can be magnified production and yield considerable electrolytic process. Its process route is: put (NH4)2SO4 in electrolytic cell anode, H2SO4 solution at the cathode, ammonia for the auxiliary material. Main production process of ammonium per-sulfate includes ingredients, feeding, electrolysis, ammonia absorption, evaporation and freezing crystallization, centrifugal separation and drying, etc. With ammonium per-sulfate potassium workshop wet material and potassium hydroxide as raw material, adding potassium hydroxide by double de-composition reaction under 30 to 40 Celsius degree after 24 hours of preparation of potassium per-sulfate, the main process of evaporation, centrifugal separation, drying.
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