    Combustion preparation CuO/CeO2 and studies its catalytic properties.
    CO oxidation has been widely concerned due to its important theoretical and practical application. It is often used as a model reaction to study the catalytic behavior of oxidation catalysts and discuss the reaction mechanism. In addition, it can be used for automobile emission purification, gas purification of CO2 laser device, CO Gas Detector, Gas-scavenging apparatus for breathing, the elimination of a small amount of CO in closed system or Proton
    Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) and so on. Noble metal catalysts have shown higher activity and selectivity for CO catalytic oxidation. But the defects, such as high cost, poor stability, difficulty to avoid sulfur poisoning, inhibit its widely application in industry. CuO/ CeO2 catalysts are getting more popular for its activity close to noble metal catalysts and its popular price.
    In this paper, the combustion method prepared CuO / CeO2 Catalysts, the change of combustion synthesis of catalyst in the process of different proportions of fuel. The effects of influence of the factors on the performance of the catalyst, at the same time, through a series of means of the catalyst structure and properties were characterized, examine the relationship between CuO / CeO2 Catalyst structure, properties and catalytic activity
    Key words: CO catalytic oxidation, CuO/CeO2 catalyst, Combustion method
    一、文献综述    1
    (一)催化CO氧化反应的研究背景    1
    (二)贵金属催化剂    2
    (三)非贵金属催化剂    2
    (四) CuO/CeO2催化剂    3
    (五)不同方法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    3
    1、浸渍法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    4
    2、沉积-沉淀法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    6
    3、共沉淀法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    7
    4、溶胶-凝胶法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    7
    5、柠檬酸络合法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    7
    6、微乳液法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    8
    7、惰性气体浓缩法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    8
    8、燃烧法制备CuO/CeO2催化剂    8
    (751)燃烧合成法    9
    (七)催化剂的表征检测方法    10
    1、 XRD    10
    2、 TPR    10
    3、 TPD    10
    4、红外光谱    11
    (八) CuO/CeO2催化剂上CO催化氧化的机理    11
    二、实验部分    12
    (一)仪器与试剂    12
    1、实验用试剂    12
    2、实验用气体    13
    3、实验仪器    13
    (二)催化剂的制备    14
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