
    General Description of the Design: The design of the grade QSn4-0.3 and QSn6.5-01 two tin bronze plate with the main design process。After investigation and research Chinalo Shanghai coppe、visiting the delivery room、Viewing equipment and recording equipment parameters、communicating with the engineer,l have learned a lot of about the production process.
        Tin bronze is the main alloying element of tin bronze. Tin bronze is the smallest non-ferrous metal alloy casting shrinkage, used to produce complex shapes, clear contour, the air tightness requirements of the castings. Tin bronze in the atmosphere, sea water, fresh water and steam is widely used in corrosion resistance, steam boiler and ship parts. Tin Phosphorus Bronze has good mechanical properties, can be used as wear parts and high precision machine tools for elastic parts. With bronze used as wear parts and sliding bearing Zinc tin bronze can be used as high air tightness castings. Tin bronze in the electrical, electronic industry, the most widely used, the largest amount of total consumption of more than half. For all kinds of cables and wires, motors and transformers, switches and printed circuit board in the machinery and transport vehicles manufacturing for manufacturing of industrial valves and fittings, instrumentation, sliding bearing, mold, heat exchanger and pump and so on.
        The tin bronze workshop design using aluminum copper provides information on production process, and the copper and copper alloy processing handbook, the metal pressure processing technology "," metal plastic forming theory "of reference books and reference of equipment parameters in aluminum copper factory equipment.The design of the domestic copper strip industry status and development of a certain analysis.
        The main chemical composition of the tin bronze Qsn6.5-0.1: Sn:6.0-7.0, P:0.1-0.25, Zn is less than 0.30, Ni: less than or equal to 0.2, Fe is less than or equal to 0.05, Pb: less than or equal to 0.02, al: less than or equal to 0.002 impurity: < 0.1, Cu: margin, tensile strength: greater than or equal to 315. The chemical composition of the QSn4-0.3 Cu: margin, Sn:3.5-4.5. Pb: less than or equal to 0.02, P:0.2-0.4, al: < 0.002, Fe is less than or equal to 0.02, Si is less than or equal to 0.002. Sb: is less than or equal to 0.002, Bi: is less than or equal to 0.002, impurity: less than or equal to 0.1 and tensile strength than 410.   
        The total process design includes the following parts:
        After determining the grade of product, the smelting process of the product should be calculated.
        The determination of cold rolling metamorphic system,1、grade QSn6.5-0.1: milling 2.5mm, the total pressure of 12.5mm-1.2mm, the number of rolling process is 3,then Determine the number of times per rolling process, determine the number of times deformation, the required average rate of 22%.2、QSn4-0.3: milling surface 2.5mm, total pressure of 12.5mm-0.5mm, rolling process number is 4, after determining the number of road number per rolling process, determine the number of times of each pass, the average machining rate required 21%.
        Determination of speed system: Roller diameter and the rolling speed and friction coefficient calculated neutral angle, forward slip value, rolling exit velocity, cutting head and tail, according to the workpiece length and the exit velocity, calculate the pure rolling time, which time gap between 4-6s.
        Determination of tension system: Calculate the total processing rate; the sigma S calculated for each time before and after tension tension; 3 according to the tension tension calculated tensile stress. Intermediate annealing furnace with bell type annealing furnace.
        Calculation of force energy parameters: The calculation of rolling pressure, the calculation of rolling torque and total torque of transmission.
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