    关键词 微乳化柴油  雾化 火球 云雾
    Title    Study on flame-explosion suppression performance
        of micro-emulsified diesel
    The flame explosion suppression performance of micro-emulsified diesels (e.g. flame explosion suppression diesel and flame-retardant diesel) have been studied for safety issues and wide applications in military and civil fields. The research objects of this paper are flame-retardant diesel, flame explosion suppression diesel and ordinary diesel. We have studied the cloud formation process of the three kinds of diesel, the different parameters of the fireballs occurs in the stationary state or post-collision.  The flame-retardant explosion suppression performance of the three micro-emulsified diesels were compared with each other. The main results are shown as follows:
    (1)Using high-speed camera to capture the snapshots of the cloud formation process after a shock wave in certain intensity. Through the experiments we can find: Since the three kinds of diesels are in different formulations, they have different viscosity. The greater the viscosity, the more difficult for the breakup of the droplets/jets. The flame explosion suppression diesel has the largest value of viscosity, following with flame-retardant diesel, and the ordinary diesel has the smallest value of viscosity. Therefore, the flame explosion suppression diesel is the most difficult one to breakup, and the ordinary diesel is the easiest to form the cloud after the shock wave.
    (2)We also do the outfield experiments, where we ignite the three kinds of diesel in two different ways: static state and dynamic case. The results show that mixed with proper amount of water in the diesel in favor of flame-retardant, micro-emulsified diesel of different formulations have different flame explosion suppression performances, so that it needs to be designed with specific formulations based on actual demand. It further confirms the explosion suppression performances of micro-emulsified diesel have direct relationship with the viscosity.
    Keywords micro-emulsified diesel  atomization  fireball  clouds
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    微乳化柴油研究背景    1
    1.2    微乳化柴油简介    2
    1.3    微乳化柴油研究现状    3
    1.4    本文工作    5
    2    三种柴油雾化过程试验    7
    2.1    试验方法    7
    2.2    试验装置    7
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