    关键词  彩色发烟剂  密度  染料
    Title    Stable fuming technology research of color smoke  agent under certain density                    
    In this paper, a certain density of color smoke as the research object, color smoke formulation design experiments to optimize the ratio of smoke colored hair recipes, get hair colored smoke fuming stable formulation; optimization experiments conducted by formula, for smoke main properties were tested and analyzed the factors affecting the performance of color smoke determine the primary and secondary factors, the optimal formula; through smoke combustion performance tests conducted in different densities, analysis smoke loaded smoke density and drug relationship between the performance of combustion. This paper argues that color smoke burning velocity in a range of densities rise and fall with further rises.
    Keywords:  Colored smoke composition ; Density; Dyestuff
    目   次
    1  前言    1
    1.1  彩色发烟剂研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究发展及现状    1
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    3
    2  配方设计    4
    2.1  彩色发烟剂的成烟机理    4
    2.2  彩色发烟剂的主要性能指标    5
    2.2.1  燃烧速度    5
    2.2.2  烟幕色度    5
    2.2.3  烟幕浓度    5
    2.3  配方设计原理    6
    2.3.1  氧化剂选择    6
    2.3.2  还原剂选择    7
    2.3.3  染料选择    7
    2.3.4 组分选择    8
    2.4  氧化剂与还原剂配比计算    8
    2.5  配方比例优化    9
    2.5.1  实验方法    9
    2.5.2  实验分析    9
    3  正交试验设计    10
    3.1  正交试验确定颜色质量影响因素    10
    3.1.1  实验方法    10
    3.1.2  实验结果分析    13
    3.2  正交试验确定发烟时间影响因素    14
    3.2.1  实验方法    14
    3.2.2  实验结果分析    14
    4  配方优化设计    16
    4.1  优化装药密度    16
    4.1.1  实验目的    16
    4.1.2  实验方法    16
    4.1.3  实验步骤    16
    4.1.4  实验数据分析    17
    结  论    19
    致  谢    20
    1  前言
    1.1  彩色发烟剂研究背景和意义
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