    摘要:本课题主要研究了 PIT 转相乳化法制备纳米乳液的影响因素。首先用鲸蜡硬脂醇聚醚-12(B1)和鲸蜡硬脂醇聚醚-20(B2)做乳化剂,十751-十八醇做固态油脂,肉豆蔻酸异丙酯为液态油脂,甘油做为保湿剂,Glydant Plus Liquid 为防腐剂,余量为水作成初始配方。然后通过改变初始配方中的不同乳化剂配比和变换配方中液态油脂的种类探索出了可以发生PIT 转相且最终乳液粒径为 50-200nm 之间的制备纳米乳液的配方。基于已探索出的配方通过实验得出了不同乳化剂配比,不同棕榈酸异辛酯含量,不同种类的多元醇以及不同甘油的含量对 PIT 转相乳化法制备纳米乳液的影响,所用主要表征手段为测量不同配方所制备的纳米乳液的粒径及其 PDI 值,Zeta 电位的绝对值大小,黏度的大小。实验结果表明,用 PIT 转相乳化法制备纳米乳液的粒径及其 PDI 值的大小,Zeta 电位的绝对值大小,黏度的大小与配方中的乳化剂的配比,棕榈酸异辛酯的不同含量,甘油的不同含量都有关系且呈现出明显的规律性。由实验结论可以推测,多元醇和油脂对乳化剂的相溶性大小是PIT 转相乳化法制备纳米乳液的最大影响因素。 41110
    毕业论文关键词:O/W 纳米乳液;相转变温度法;低能乳化法   Study of the Influence Factors of Phase Inversion Temperature (PIT) Emulsification Abstract:This  subject  mainly research the Influence Factors of using Phase Inversion Temperature (PIT)  Emulsification to prepare nano-emulsion.First with cetyl stearyl alcohol polyether-12(B1) and cetyl stearyl alcohol polyether-20(B2) do emulsifier,cetostearyl alcohol do solid fat,myristic acid isopropyl ester do liquid oil and glycerol as a moisturizer,Glydant Plus Liquid as preservative,allowance for the water to finish the initial formula.Then  by changing the ratio of different emulsifiers in the initial formulation and transforming the kinds of liquid oil of the formul explores a  formula that can happen phase inversion and finally the emulsion particle size is of 50-200nm. Based on the formula that has explored and through the experiment we obtain how the different ratio of emulsifier and different content of hexadecanoic  acid isooctyl ester,different types of polyol and different glycerol content to influence that using Phase Inversion Temperature (PIT) Emulsification to prepare nano-emulsion.In  this  subject,the  main  characterization  methods is to measure the nanometer particle size of emulsion and PDI value, the absolute value of Zeta potential and the viscosity of nano-emulsion by using different formulas.The experimental results show that the size of nano-emulsion and PDI value,the absolute  value of Zeta potential  size,the viscosity of the nano-emulsion which was prepared by Phase Inversion Temperature(PIT) Emulsification is relevant to the ratio of emulsifier, the different content of hexadecanoic acid isooctyl ester and different  concentrations of glycerol of different formulas and presents the obvious regularity.By the experiment conclusion can speculate that the intermiscibility  of multivariate  alcohol  and oil with emulsifier  is the biggest influence factor that using  Phase Inversion Temperature(PIT) Emulsification to prepare nano-emulsion.
    Keywords: O/W nano-emulsions;phase inversion temperature method (PIT);low energy emulsification
    目    录
    1 前言  ... 1
    1.1 纳米乳液概述  .  1
    1.1.1 纳米乳液的定义  ..  1
    1.1.2 纳米乳液的性能特征  ..  1
    1.2 纳米乳液的制备  .  1
    1.2.1 高能乳化法制备纳米乳液  ..  1  高压均质法 ...  1  超声乳化法 ...  1  微射流乳化法 ...  1
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