     Modified activated carbon adsorption of Cr (VI)
    Abstract: The main contents are modified activated carbon adsorption of Cr (VI), the activated carbon and modified for Cr (VI) adsorption capacity for further testing
    Use acid modified activated carbon for under different conditions of Cr (VI) adsorption experiment。First take 20 g activated carbon powder in acetone soaking in 5 hours,122 degree oven to dry,Will be immediately activated carbon with 1 mol/LHNO3 mix oxidation treatment,Will be activated carbon suction filter washing to neutral,120 degree oven to dry,Dry 12 hours,After cooling to get Modified activated carbon And Cr under different experimental conditions (VI) adsorption experiments
    Results show,Nitric acid modified activated carbon significantly improved the activated carbon adsorption capacity of Cr (VI).Under the same conditions of modified activated carbon increased Twenty percent about adsorption capacity of Cr (VI).And through the experiment that modified activated carbon adsorption of Cr (VI) for the best conditions, pH = 4, reaction time 2 hours。
    Key words:   modification;activated  carbon; HNO3;  heavy  metal
    1.绪论    1
      1.1  课题研究目的和意义    1
      1.2 课题研究的思路及内容    2
      1.3 文献综述    3
        1.3.1 改性活性炭    3
        1.3.2 铬( chromium,Cr)    4
        1.3.3  Cr(VI)的处理方式    4
        1.3.4 重金属废水的处理方法    4
        1.3.5吸附剂的性质    4
        1.3.6 吸附质的性质    4
        1.3.7 活性炭吸附法处理重金属废水    5
        1.3.8吸附过程的反应条件    5
        1.3.9 影响活性炭吸附处理重金属废水的因素    5
活性炭的选择及预处理    5
废水的 pH 值    6
停留时间    6
活性炭用量    6
活性炭吸附重金属离子的机理    7
    2 实验部分    8
      2.1 实验仪器与药品    8
        2.1.1 主要原料    8
        2.1.2 主要仪器设备    8
      2.2 改性活性炭的制备和铬 Cr( VI)含量的测定    8
        2.2.1活性炭改性    8
        2.2.2铬 Cr( VI) 的吸附实验    9
        2.2.3Cr(VI)浓度的测定    9
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