    Study On Tribological Characteristic And Synthesis Of Nitrogen Containing Heterocyclic Borate Ester
    Abstract: This article synthesized Nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester studying the effects of reaction time, temperature, molar ratio to the production rate.It’s proved that rapeseed oil as a raw material esterified with methanol。Rapeseed oil diethanolamide: Boric acid: n-hexyl alcohol molar ratio of 1:1:1. The temperature is controlled at 120 ℃.The time is controlled at 6 hours.These are the most suitable reaction conditions which yield was 81.6%. We use four-ball friction tester to examine the tribological properties of the nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester in the base oil . Experiments show that the base oil containing 1.5% the nitrogen-containing heterocyclic borate ester is better in anti-wear performance. We made a determination of base oil, base oil adding 1.5% nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester and base oil adding the T202 to find the  largest PB. The results show that base oil adding a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic has the maximum PB. Finally we made a determination of nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester compounding with T202. The results show when base oil  adding 1.5% nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester complexing the base oil  adding 1% T202, the anti-wear lubricants is best.
    Keywords:Nitrogen containing heterocyclic borate ester, synthesis, anti-friction properties, tribological properties
    1.前言    1
    1.1润滑油添加剂简介    1
    1.2润滑油的添加剂具体分类    1
    1.3润滑油添加剂对润滑油的意义    2
    1.3.1清净分散剂    2
    1.3.2 抗氧抗腐剂    3
    1.3.3油性剂    4
    1.3.4抗磨剂    4
    1.3.5极压剂    4
    1.3.6抗泡剂    4
    1.3.7抗氧剂    4
    1.4润滑油添加剂用途    5
    1.5绿色润滑添加剂    5
    1.6有机硼酸酯润滑油添加剂    5
    1.6.1普通硼酸酯    6
    1.6.2 含硫、磷、氯类化合物的硼酸酯    6
    1.6.3含有多功能基团的硼酸酯    7
    1.6.4含氮硼酸酯    7
    1.6.5有机硼酸酯用作多功能润滑油添加剂的种类和分子结构    7
    1.7本课题研究的目的及意义    8
    2.实验方案与试剂仪器    9
    2.1实验试剂    9
    2.2 实验仪器    9
    2.3实验仪器的介绍——四球机    10
    2.3.1四球摩擦磨损试验机简介    10
    2.3.2四球摩擦磨损试验机的工作原理    10
    2.3.3 四球摩擦磨损试验机的常规评定指标    10
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