    摘要:本实验采用Fenton法和光催化氧化法处理高浓度制药废水,研究了各因素对其处理效果的影响。在Fenton氧化法中,采用用单因子分析法,FeSO4•7H2O的投加量、H2O2/Fe2+投加配比、初始pH值、反应时间的影响。结果表明,Fenton试剂法中, FeSO4•7H2O的投加量为2.5g/200mL、 H2O2/Fe2+投加配比为8:1、ph值为6、反应时间为120min时为最佳条件,CODcr去除率达77.7%、BOD5去除率为65.0%、B/C比值由0.195提高到0.305。在TiO2光催化氧化中,也采用单因子分析法,TiO2(纳米级)投加量、初始pH值、反应时间的影响。结果表明0.01g/200mL、反应时间30min、pH值为6时为最佳条件,CODcr去除率为44.1%、BOD5去除率为35.0%、B/C比值由0.191提高到0.215。通过对比两种方法的实验结果,确定处理该化学制药废水的最佳方案为Fenton氧化法。6779
    关键词: Fenton氧化法 化学制药废水 TiO2光催化氧化 CODcr去除率 BOD5去除率
    In this study, by Fenton and photocatalytic oxidation treatment of high concentration pharmaceutical wastewater, examined the factors on the treatment effect. In the Fenton oxidation, using single factor analysis, FeSO4•7H2O dosage, H2O2/Fe2 + dosing ratio, initial pH, reaction time. The results show that, Fenton oxidation method, FeSO4•7H2O dosage of 2.5g/200mL, H2O2/Fe2 + dosing ratio of 8:1, pH value of 6, when the reaction time was 120min optimal conditions, the removal of CODcr reached 77.7%, the removal of BOD5 was 65.0%, the ratio of B / C was improved from  0.195 to 0.305. In the TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation, it is also the single factor analysis, TiO2 (nanometer) dosage, initial pH, reaction time. The results show that 0.01g/200mL, reaction time 20min, pH value of 6 for the optimum condition, CODcr the removal of CODcr was 43.8%, the removal of BOD5 was 35.0%, B/C ratio increased from the 0.191 to 0.214. By comparing the experimental results of two methods to determine the best solution for the chemical and pharmaceutical wastewater treatment that is  Fenton oxidation.
    Keywords:Fenton oxidation; Chemical and pharmaceutical wastewater;TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation;the removal ratio of CODcr ; the removal ratio of BOD5 ;
     目  录
    1前 言    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2制药废水降解工艺    2
    1.2.1制药废水处理传统工艺    2
    1.2.2常用氧化降解工艺    3
    1.3 国内外研究现状    5
    1.3.1 国外研究现状    5
    1.3.2 国内研究现状    6
    1.4 本课题的研究意义    6
    1.5 本课题的研究内容    7
    2 实验装置与各指标的测定方法    8
    2.1实验仪器与试剂    8
    2.1.1 实验仪器    8
    2.1.2 实验试剂    8
    2.1.3 实验水样    8
    2.2各指标的测定方法    8
    2.2.1 COD的测定方法    8
    2.2.2 BOD5的测定方法    9
    2.2.3 电导率、pH的测定方法    10
    3 Fenton氧化技术处理该化学制药废水    11
    3.1  Fenton反应机理    11
    3.2实验方法    12
    3.2.1 反应结束时调节pH至7    12
    3.2.2 反应结束时不调节pH    12
    3.2.3小结    12
    3.3 结果与讨论    13
    3.3.1 FeSO4•7H2O投加量的影响    13
    3.3.2 H2O2/Fe2+投加配比的影响    15
    3.3.3初始pH值的影响    16
    3.3.4 反应时间的影响    18
    3.3.5 Fenton试剂法对该化学制药废水可生化性的影响    19
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