

    毕业论文关键词: 生物质;热解;热分析;热重分析仪

    Study on Pyrolysis and Gas Release of Straw Biomass 

     Abstract: Under the dual pressures of energy shortage and environmental damage, the efficient use of biomass energy is becoming more and more important in today's society. In order to understand the pyrolysis characteristics of soybean hull, corn straw, non isothermal thermogravimetric analysis method has been used, tested in type HCT-1/2 thermogravimetric analyzer. The results show that: the two kinds of biomass pyrolysis after dehydration, fast pyrolysis and slow pyrolysis and carbonization of 4 different stages of heating; the rate of increase of biomass pyrolysis curve move to the high-temperature zone, two kinds of biomass in the second phase of the maximum weight loss rate decreased, flow rate increased; the pyrolysis process of alkaline catalysts on biomass catalytic, the largest in 5% additions than Jiao Tansheng production however, with the increase of impregnation amount, it hinders the heat transfer process of biomass particles the effect of devolatilization.

    Keywords: Biomass; pyrolysis; thermal analysis; thermal gravimetric analyzer


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题研究目的与内容 1

    2 秸秆类生物质简介 2

    2.1 秸秆类生物质概念及特点 2

    2.2 秸秆类生物质热解的应用现状 2

    2.3 秸秆类生物质国内外利用现状 4

    3 秸秆类生物质热解及气体释放规律研究 7

    3.1 概述 7

    3.2 实验原料制备与方案 7

    3.2.1 实验原料 7

    3.2.2 实验仪器与条件 7

    3.2.3 实验预处理方案 10

    3.3 实验结果与分析 11

    3.3.1 升温速率对秸秆类生物质的影响 11

    3.3.2 金属盐对秸秆类生物质的影响 13

    3.3.3 秸秆类生物质热解气体产物及释放规律 15

    3.4 实验总结 16

    4 总结 18

    4.1 全文总结 18

    4.2 创新与展望 18

    致谢 20


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