
    摘要药物分子存在着大量的杂环化合物,因为杂环的存在不仅能影响药物分子与受体之间的相互作用,而且有利于提高药物分子在水中的溶解度,所以在药物发现和合成过程中占有重要地位。因此,如何快速构建杂环分子骨架并高效地进行结构多样性合成,受到化学家和药物工业界的极大关注。本论文主要用吲哚和三元氮杂环来合成杂环化合物,且这两类原料都可以在生物大分子的结构中发现,都具有很强的生物活性。而且吲哚也可以在很多天然存在物质中提取出来,吲哚的合成已在工业运用中实现了一定的量产,所以原料的获得已不成问题。吲哚上的双键成为他的特色,由此而引申出的 [3+2]环加成反应是形成吲哚并五元环的一种最简便最直接的方法。本课题主要研究吲哚与连有苯环的三元氮杂环反应得到一类药物中间体的反应,主要考虑在三元氮杂环上苯环上的取代基对实验的影响,还有一些反应条件对实验的影响。44011

    Heterocyclic compounds are widely present in the drug molecules, and play an important role in the drug discovery and process development. It is not only because of the heterocyclic drugs can affect the interaction between molecules and receptors, but also help to improve the drug molecular solubility. Therefore, how to quickly build a heterocyclic molecule skeleton and efficient structural persity synthesis, become an important issue. This project is mainly focused on the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds from nitrogen containing three-membered ring and indoles, which can be found in the structure of biological macromolecules with strong biological activity. Indole can be conveniently obtained from many natural sources. The reaction one the double bonds of indole become interesting and the [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction based on indole represents a common method of forming five-membered ring. The reaction is one of the most simple and most direct ways to form five-membered ring compounds. This research is mainly focused on thereaction of indole and aryl-substituted nitrogen containing three membered heterocycles to obtain drugs intermediates, the effect of substituents on the phenyl ring and the reaction conditions are carefull screened.

    毕业论文关键词:吲哚; 三元环氮杂环; 路易斯酸催化; [3+2]环加成反应

    Keyword: indoles; aziridine, Lewis acid catalysis, [3+2] cycloaddition reaction

     目    录

    1.引言 1

    1.1.吲哚的性质 1

    1.2.吲哚的用途 2

    1.3.吲哚环加成反应研究现状 3

    1.3.1.三元碳环类 3

    1.3.2.三元氧环类 5

    1.3.3.三元氮环类 5

    1.4.三元氮杂环的特性和反应研究现状 6

    2.[3+2]环加成 8

    2.1.三元环开环反应的进展 8

    2.2.选题思路 9

    3.实验部分 10

    3.1.实验仪器 10

    3.2.实验方法 10

    3.2.1.合成底物 10

    3.3.实验结果 11

    3.3.1.模板反应 11

    3.3.2.筛选反应条件 11

    3.3.3.筛选官能团 13

    3.3.4.部分底物的扩展 13


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