
    The main research direction is the impact of different non-sulfonated monomer polyaryletherketone proton exchange membrane. Sulfonateddifluorobenzophenone, 2,7-dihydroxynaphthalene as raw materials were used difluorobenzophenone and di-fluoro-triphenyl-dione to a series of studies and tests. By testing its oxidative stability, water absorption, swelling ratio, and IR spectra of the polymer film to determine whether the improved performance of the membrane. sDFBP-45, sDFBP-50 and sDFBP-50-T, sDFBP-55-T water absorption when the temperature reaches 80oC, water absorption are far more Nafion117 30%, respectively, 34.19%, 35.23% and 31.09%, 60.9%. In the swelling ratio also has a relatively good performance, the most notable is sDFBP-55-T, at 80oC, the film swelling rate reached 33.74 percent, far higher than Nafion117 20%. At the same time after the classic anti-aging test, almost no weight loss, excellent in oxidation resistance, high stability than sulfonated aromatic polymer membranes have been reported even better, sDFBP-x and sDFBP-x- DFTBP film in Fenton after reagent soak 1h, the residual mass was maintained at 93%, but also that it has good resistance to oxidation stability.

    Keywords: sulfonated polyaryletherketone; proton exchange membrane; the new polyaryletherketone group containing naphthalene

     目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  燃料电池 1

    1.2  质子交换膜燃料电池 1

    1.3  质子交换膜 2

    1.3.1  全氟磺酸质子交换膜 2

    1.3.2  部分氟化质子交换膜 3

    1.3.3  新型无氟化质子交换膜 4

    2  实验部分 8

    2.1  实验内容 8

    2.1.1  实验原料 8

    2.1.2  单体提纯 8

    2.1.3  聚合物的合成 8

    2.1.4  聚合物膜的制备 9

    2.2  实验仪器 10

    2.3  表征方法 10

    2.4  结果与讨论 11

    2.4.1  聚合物的合成 11

    2.4.2  聚合物的红外谱图测定 13

    2.4.3  聚合物的热性能(TG) 14

    2.4.4  聚合物的玻璃化转变温度(DSC) 17

    2.4.5  聚合物膜的IEC测定 17

    2.4.6  聚合物膜的吸水率测定 18

    2.4.7  聚合物膜的溶胀率测定 19

    2.4.8  聚合物膜耐氧化稳定性的测定 20

    2.4.9  聚合物膜的电导率 21

    3  全文总结 23

    致  谢 24

    参考文献 25 

    1  绪论


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