
    摘要本研究探讨了金属离子Fe3+、Cu2+和Ni2+的添加对厌氧氨氧化活性(SAA)的影响。采用批次实验研究Cu2+、Ni2+和Fe3+的添加对SAA的影响。研究表明当Cu2+浓度低于1mg/L时对SAA有促进作用,其最大促进率可达增加41.0%;Ni2+浓度低于1.74mg/L时SAA最多提高了63.5%;当Fe3+的浓度为3.68mg/L时,SAA增幅达533.2%。通过响应面法分析Fe3+、Cu2+和Ni2+对SAA的影响,结果表明Fe3+的影响最显著,Fe3+和Cu2+之间的交互作用最强,6.61mg/L Fe3+,1.18mg/L Cu2+和1.11mg/L Ni2+为响应面法所得最优浓度在常温条件下应用该最优组合浓度条件,进行了连续流试验,试验组反应器废水中Fe3+、Cu2+和Ni2+的投加能够有效激发反应器潜能,试验组和对照组反应器的最大氮去除速率(NRR)分别为8.1 kgN/m3/d和5.3 kgN/m3/d。Fe3+连续流试验中试验组平均氮去除率和最大NRR分别为67.4%和4.89 kgN/m3/d,对照组对应值为64.7%和4.09 kgN/m3/d。试验表明适当浓度的Fe3+、Cu2+和Ni2+能够有效地提高常温条件下厌氧氨氧化活性,并改善反应器的运行性能。47638

    This study explored the influence of metal ion addition on specific anaerobic ammonium oxidation activity(SAA). Batch assays were used to demonstrate the enhancement of the SAA upon the addition of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Fe3+.The SAA was enhanced by 41.0% when the Cu2+ concentration was below 1 mg/L, while itwas improved by 63.5% at Ni2+ concentrations below 1.74 mg/L. An enhancement of 533.2% wasobtained when 3.68 mg/ L Fe3+ was supplied. The effects of Fe3+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ on the SAA were analyzedand optimized by a response surfacemethodology, which demonstrated that the interaction betweenFe3+ and Cu2+ was significant and that 6.61 mg/L Fe3+, 1.18 mg/L Cu2+and 1.11 mg/L Ni2+ werethe optimal values for metal dosing. Subsequently, an Fe3+-Cu2+-Ni2+continuous test was carried outunder optimal conditions and revealed that theaddition of Fe3+, Cu2+and Ni2+ could stimulate the reactorpotential at ambient temperature. The maximum nitrogen removal rate (NRR) of the test reactor was52.8% higher than that of the control reactor (8.1 versus 5.3 kgN/m3/d).Moreover, a continuous testconducted by adding Fe3+ achieved an average nitrogen removal efficiency and maximum NRR of67.4% and 4.9 kgN/m3/d, respectively, while the corresponding values of the control test were64.7% and 4.1 kgN/m3/d, respectively. Altogether, appropriate dosages of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Fe3+ cansignificantlyenhance the SAA and improve the reactor capacity at ambient temperature.


    Keyword:Anammox; response surface methodology; metal supplement; nitrogen removalcapacity; ambient temperature

    目    录

    1. 引言 4

    2. 材料和方法 4

    2.1. 试验装置和试验条件 4

    2.2. 接种污泥和模拟废水 4

    2.3.厌氧氨氧化活性测定 5

    2.4. 响应面法分析 5

    2.5. 测定项目和方法 5

    3. 结果与讨论 5

    3.1. 批次试验 5

    3.1.1. 单因子试验 5

    3.1.2. 多因子试验 6

    3.2. Fe3+、Cu2+、Ni2+三金属连续流实验 9

    3.2.1. R0反应器性能 9

    3.2.2. R1反应器性能 9

    3.2.3. R0和R1的性能比较 10

    3.3. Fe3+连续流试验 13

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