    摘要本课题采用溶剂挥发诱导自组装(EISA)方法,以中性嵌段工具为为模板剂合成介孔羟基磷灰石,以期形成理想的介观结构。本文通过改变模板剂,钙源,磷源的组合合成了一系列的HAP,对制备的样品进行了X射线图谱分析、SEM电镜扫描、N2吸附-脱附测定比表面积、FTIR红外图谱分析,考察得到的羟基磷灰石的颗粒尺寸与形貌、孔径等并用制备得到的羟基磷灰石对苯酚进行吸附,以此来探究羟基磷灰石对苯酚的吸附特性。实验结果表明,EISA法可以合成羟基磷灰石,但是对磷源和钙源有要求并且羟基磷灰石在碱性条件下能够有效的吸附苯酚。关键词  介孔材料 羟基磷灰石 溶剂挥发诱导自组装 苯酚吸附7605
     Title   Synthesis of Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite for the Treatment of Organic Pollutants                                     
    This project used the solvent evaporation induced self-assembly(EISA)  
    method  to synthesis mesoporous hydroxyapatite with neutral block template,
    and it is expected to form an ideal mesoscopic strcture. By changing the
    combination of the template, calcium source, phosphorus source, a serious
    of HAP materials were synthesized. Prepared samples were characterized by
    X-ray patterns, SEM scanning electron microscopy, N2  adsorption-
    desorption and FTIR spectra analysis. The characterization shows the
    particle size,  morphology  and specific surface area  of the prepared
    hydroxyapatite. Then we use the obtained hydroxyapatite powder to adsorb
    phenol in order to explore the adsorption feature. The experimental results
    show that the EISA method is able to synthesis hydroxyapatite, but is
    limited by the  phase of calcium and phosphorous source, and  the
    hydroxyapatite under alkaline condition can adsorb phenol effectively.   
    Keywords    Mesoporous materials  Hydroxyapatite  EISA  Adsorption of
    phenol 目录
    1   绪论  5
    1.1   课题背景  .5
    1.2   羟基磷灰石的晶体结构和性质  .6
    1.3   羟基磷灰石国内外研究现状  .8
    1.3.1   羟基磷灰石粉末的制备  8
    1.4   羟基磷灰石国内外应用现状  .10
    1.4.1   在吸附材料方面的应用  10
    1.4.2   在填充材料方面的应用  10
    1.4.3   在涂层材料方面的应用  10
    1.4.4   在其他方面的应用  10
    1.5   本文研究的主要内容  .11
    2   实验部分  11
    2.1   实验仪器和药品  .11
    2.2   实验方案  .12
    2.2.1   羟基磷灰石的合成  12
    2.2.2   样品表征  14
    2.2.3   探究羟基磷灰石对苯酚吸附效果的实验方案 16
    3   实验结果及表征分析  16
    3.1   实验结果样品列表  .16
    3.2   实验结果表征  .17
    3.2.1  XRD 衍射图谱表征分析 17
    3.2.2  SEM 表征  20
    3.2.3   FTIR 表征  21
    3.2.4   羟基磷灰石的合成讨论  23
    3.3   羟基磷灰石对苯酚吸附效果分析  .24
    3.3.1  pH值对吸附效果的影响 24
    3.3.2   时间对吸附效果的影响  25
    3.3.3   羟基磷灰石对苯酚吸附效果小结    27
    结论  28
    致谢  30
    参考文献  31
    1   绪论
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