



    这次设计分为两部分,分别是工艺部分和非工艺部分。工艺部分是指在年产6000吨丙烯酸十八酯的条件下下,进行相应的物料衡算和热量衡算,并在此基础上进行设备选型及计算。非工艺说明部分包括技术经济分析,工艺流程图、设备布置图,带控制点的图、劳动制度以及安全措施等。关键词: 丙烯酸十八酯;固体超强酸;丙烯酸;十八醇;直接酯化法

    An annual output of 6000 tons of octadecylacrylate production workshop

    Abstract:Octadecylacrylate which is an important raw meterial regardless of the monomer , homopolymer or copolymer of styrene, maleic anhydride , or ester monomer is widely used as plasticizers, adhesives , fiber processing agent , paper coating agent , refined oil flow change agents and crude oil pour point depressant.

    Its ester polymer has been used widely in adhesives,paint,fiber,processing,

    paper making, oil,rubber and plastics industry. The comb-like structure of the polymer has many special features, such as its maleic anhydride or styrene copolymer can improve the cold flow of the oil products significantly,which has been used for refined oil flow change agent and oil depressant. Its methyl acrylate copolymer- two pro-crosslinked polymer network as a functional materials show broad application.

    The design used acrylic acid and octadecyl as raw materials,solid superacid SO42-/TiO2 made by ourshelves as catalyst,has the advantages of  high catalytic activity, selectivity, and the easy separation of products, little acid pollution and the use of renewable.The production of octadecylacrylate has good quality, high yield as well as the simple handling after the reaction.

    The design process is pided into narrative and non-narrative process.

    Thecnology refers to the part that under the scale of annual output of 6000 tons of acrylic acid ester of octadecylacylate,the material calculation and calculation

    of heat,and on this basis for selection of equipment and computing.Non-narr-

    ative process including technical and economic analysis,plan layout and facade layout of the plant, labor system and and safety precautions.

    Keywords: octadecylacrylate;solid superacid;acrylic acid;octadecanol


    1 绪论 1

     1.1 概论 1

     1.2 生产工艺的选择 1

      1.2.1 酯交换法

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