
    摘要: 本论文主要研究的是将氨基引入到SBA-15这种介孔材料的表面,再嫁接EDTA,最后可以得到一种新的介孔材料叫做EDTA-SBA-15。主要根据的是介孔材料的结构排列整齐有序,它的空隙均匀又密集,并且比表面积也较大,同时,EDTA当中也有着比较多的活性基团羧基。通过FT-IR、TEM、XRD、XPS、氮气吸附-脱附等温线等方法来判断和确定乙二胺四乙酸嫁接成功。当这种材料在50mL浓度为100mg/L 的Cu2+溶液中,并且保持在热力学温度为298K、溶液酸度是5的条件下吸附20分钟,吸附剂量是50mg,这时它的吸附容量是273.2 mg g-1,吸附效果达到了90%。经过测量,实验所得值和计算值基本上是一致的,符合吸附动力学数据,表明其吸附过程中有化学反应,不单单是物理反应。54254


    Abstract:The main consideration of mesoporous materials SBA-15 with highly ordered structure, uniform, large specific surface area, porosity and other characteristics, EDTA contain more active group - COOH. This research selects the mesoporous material SBA-15 as the research object, in order to get the NH2 - SBA-15,we introduced in NH2 on its surface , and then grafted EDTA, then synthesis of mesoporous materials EDTA-SBA-15.characterized by FT-IR, XRD, TEM, nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms, XPS , indicates that EDTA has been successfully grafted on the surface of the SBA-15, synthetic materials belong to mesoporous materials, its performance with mesoporous material characteristics. the EDTA-SBA-15 has good adsorption properties in 50mL100mg/L, Cu2+ in aqueous solution, when the temperature is 298K, pH is 5, adsorbent dosage is 50mg, adsorption time is 20min, adsorption effect reached 90%, the maximum adsorption capacity is 273.2 mg g-1. In addition, the EDTA-SBA-15 have a good adsorption effect on real wastewater and high repeated utilization ratio.Using quasi the second level reaction model is capable of fitting the adsorption kinetic data (R2=0.9999), and the equilibrium adsorption capacity of the experimental values (qe, exp) and calculated (qe, cal) are in good agreement, indicating the adsorbent adsorption for metal ions is controlled by chemical reaction. Adsorption using Langmuir model are in good agreement (R2= 0.9792), adsorption process may include both physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

    Key words: adsorption;mesoporous materials;SBA-15;EDTA;adsorption capacity

    目 录

    1 绪论 2

    1.1 水体的重要性 2

    1.2 水体污染的分类 2

    1.3 废水中重金属离子的去除 3

    1.4 分子筛的研究概述 5

    1.5 介孔材料 5

    1.6 SBA-15在环境保护领域的应用 10

    2 实验部分 11

    2.1 研究准备 11

    2.2 结果分析和讨论 12

    2.3 EDTA-SBA-15对实际废水的净化处理 16

    结论 22

    参考文献 23

    致  谢 26

     1 绪论


    1.1 水体的重要性


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