    设计原则及主要设计指标原则: 安全、操作方便、投资省、便于安装4092
       (1) 小试数据
    苯乙烯转化率                     83%
    过氧化氢异丙苯与苯乙烯的体积比   1.5:1
    苯甲醛转化率                     74.94%
    苯甲醛选择性                     87%
       (2) 计算基准
        (3) 投料条件
    名称    C8H8    过氧化氢异丙苯    水
    投料比/mol    1    1.5    1.5
    关键词: 苯乙烯;催化氧化;苯甲醛;设计
    The Process Design of 500000 ton Benzaldehyde yield yearly Using Styrene
    Benzaldehyde is an important chemical raw materials, the development of high selectivity to benzaldehyde, the high activity of the catalyst, new efficient, clean synthesis process is of great significance for the efficient use of resources, improving economic efficiency. With air as the oxidant, and pass into a mixed system of cumene and styrene, the O2 first cumene oxidation into CHP CHP and then reacted with styrene, the main product of benzaldehyde, styrene oxide, phenyl acetaldehyde , can be cut and separated according to the nature of the material of each component to the severity of the component to obtain a high purity product benzaldehyde.
    Along with the chemical industry fast development, the chemical products have been all around our life. Therefore the chemical design duty is more and more heavy. First, in the chemical production, through transporting chemical industry design aspect knowledge and the method, may realize to the chemical factory (workshop) rebuilding and extension; carries on the appraisal to the technical process; discovers the weak link and unreasonable phenomenon as well as excavation productive potential and so on. Secondly, in scientific research, since childhood experimental to experimental enlargement, down to the investment industrial production, all cannot leave the design. Thirdly, in the capital construction, design is the capital construction most important link, is the ready-made construction basis.
  1. 上一篇:DIOR真我香水的仿制技术研究
  2. 下一篇:黄花石蒜中化学成分的研究
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