    With an annual output of 80000 tons of acrylonitrile process design
    Abstract: Acrylonitrile mainly for the production of acrylic fiber and its proportion in the world is about 55%. Used in the production of acrylic acrylonitrile accounted for more than 80% of our country. Acrylic is widely used, it is the third big tonnage after polyester, nylon synthetic fibers. Next, it is used for ABS/AS plastic. By acrylonitrile, styrene and butadiene synthesis of ABS plastic and synthesized from styrene and acrylonitrile AS plastic is an important engineering plastics. Because the product has high strength, heat resistance, light resistance and solvent resistance performance is good wait for a characteristic. With the copolymerization system of butadiene nitrile rubber is also one of the main purposes of acrylonitrile. Acrylonitrile is important raw material in organic synthesis. Acrylonitrile acrylamide, via catalytic hydration can be obtained by electrochemical hydrogenation coupling can be obtained adiponitrile, acrylamide is mainly used for paper, waste water treatment, ore processing, oil recovery, eor chemical aspects. Moreover, acrylonitrile can also be used to produce medicine, high polymer flocculant, fiber modifier, paper strengthening agent, etc. Propane ammoxidation method there are two processes, one is the propane in the role of catalyst, at the same time on the oxidation of propane dehydrogenation and propylene ammonia oxidation reaction, call a period propane ammoxidation method; 2 it is generated after oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene, and then in the usual propylene ammonia oxidation process production of acrylonitrile, called propane ammoxidation method two pieces. This design adopts the propane period of ammonia oxidation process.

    KeyWords:Acrylonitrile; Acrylic fiber; Propane period of ammonia oxidation process

    1 丙烯腈概况5
    1.1 性质与用途5
    1.1.1 丙烯腈的物理特性5
      1.1.2 丙烯腈的化学性质5
    1.1.3 丙烯腈的用途5
     1.2 市场调研6
      1.2.1 国际现状6
      1.2.2 国内现状6
    2 丙烯腈生产方法选择7
     2.1 生产方法比较7
     2.2 生产方法选择7
    3 丙烷氨氧化工艺9
     3.1 工艺流程介绍9
     3.2 丙烯腈合成过程10
      3.2.1 合成过程分析10
      3.2.2 流程设计10
     3.3 丙烯腈分离过程11
    4 工艺计算12
     4.1 全车间物料衡算12
    4.1.2 设计依据12
    4.1.3 全车间的物料衡算13
    4.1.4 物料衡算表15
    4.2 热量衡算15
      4.2.1 所处理的物料带到设备中去的热量Q116
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