    摘要: 煤焦油由于其组成成分及其复杂,再对其利用的同时需要对它进行一些专门的提取和分离加工,提纯之后才能进一步利用。从上世纪初期,我国乃至全球面临着环保的问题,改善能源对改善环境发展经济都有很大的作用。煤焦油在煤化学工业以及焦化工业中有着举足轻重的地位,煤焦油在材料产业方面应用广泛,是合成纤维,橡胶,塑料,耐高温材料等的重要原料,还能用于生产药品,杀虫剂等。煤焦油中最主要的杂质是喹啉不溶物(QI),需要将喹啉不溶物(QI)尽可能去除。煤焦油的净化常用的有以下几种方法,静置沉降法,热熔过滤法,高温离心法,溶剂萃取法。这些方法各有优点但也有缺点,成本,效率等方面还有改善的空间。本文在综合煤焦油中喹啉不溶物和煤焦油的一些物化性质为基础,找出成本低,工艺简单,净化效果好的净化方法。我们通过静置沉降法进行实验,改变溶剂比例,得到沉降后的煤焦油,通过分析,检测煤焦油中喹啉不溶物(QI)的含量,煤焦油质量指标SP:80-95℃,QI<0.5%。 56986
    毕业论文关键词: 煤焦油;喹啉不溶物;净化;静置沉降法
    Purification of coal tar
    Abstract:Because of its composition and complexity, coal tar can be used in some special extraction and separation process.From the beginning of the last century, China and the world are facing the problem of environmental protection, improve the energy to improve the environment of the development of the economy has a great role.Coal tar in coal chemical industry and coking industry has a pivotal position, coal tar industry materials widely used in, synthetic fiber, rubber, plastic, high temperature materials and other important raw materials, can also be used to production of pharmaceuticals and pesticides.The most important impurities in the coal tar is the quinolineinsoluble matter (QI), which requires the removal of thequinoline insoluble matter (QI) as much as possible. The purification of coal tar is commonly used in the following several methods, static settlement method, hot melt filtration method, high temperature centrifugal method, solvent extraction method.These methods have their advantages but also disadvantages, cost, efficiency and other aspects of the space to improve. In this paper, based on the physical and chemical properties of the synthetic coal tar and the quinolineinsoluble matter, the method of low cost, simple process and good purification effect is found in this paper. We use the static settling method to experiment, change the solvent ratio, and get the coal tar,Through the analysis, the content of the quinoline insoluble matter (QI) in the coal tar was detected, and the coal tar quality index was SP:80-95, QI<0.5%. 
    Key Words:  Coal tar;  Quinoline insoluble;  Purify ;   Solvent deposition method 


    1 绪论  ..  1 

    1.1 煤焦油    1 

    1.1.1 概述  ..  1 

    1.1.2 煤焦油的生产过程  ..  1 

    1.1.3 煤焦油的加工    3 

    1.1.4 煤焦油的质量指标  ..  4 

    1.1.5 国内外煤焦油加工产业概况    4 

    1.1.6 煤焦油的应用    4 

    1.2 喹啉不溶物(QI)  .  5 

    1.2.1 喹啉不溶物(QI)的种类  .  5 

    1.2.2 喹啉不溶物(QI)的对煤焦油加工的危害  ..  5 

    1.3 煤焦油的净化技术  ..  6 

    1.3.1 热过滤法  .  6 

    1.3.2 溶剂离心法  ..  6 

    1.3.3 溶剂萃取法  ..  7 

    1.3.4 自然沉降法  ..  7 

    1.4选题的目的和研究内容  .  7 

    1.4.1 选题背景  .  7 

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