

    毕业论文关键词: 镍钼合金镀层;电沉积;超声波;耐蚀性 

    Effect of ultrasonication on the surface of low-carbon steel to produced Ni–Mo coatings

    Abstract: The effect of ultrasound-assisted method on Ni–Mo alloy coatings by direct current (DC) electroformation from sulphate–citrate bath was investigated with different ultrasonic powers. This study focused on the microstructure, grain size, hardness,molybdenum content, surface roughness and corrosion resistance of the Ni–Mo alloy coatings, which were influenced by the ultrasonic parameters. X-ray diffraction results showed that ultrasonic modification decreased the grain size of nanocrystalline alloy coatings. The hardness of Ni Mo coating was significantly improved by ultrasonic assisted. SEM and AFM images show that there is ultrasound-assisted, the surface roughness of the coating is reduced, and the smooth coating is obtained. By Tafel polarisation curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic found, the corrosion resistance of Ni–Mo coating was significantly enhanced compared with the coating without ultrasonic assistance. Characteristics of sediment from dependence on the ultrasonic power, but at maximum ultrasonic power (270 watts), the molybdenum content, grain size, roughness, microhardness and corrosion resistance of the Ni–Mo alloy coatings all slightly decreased.

    Keyword: Ni–Mo alloy coatings;Electroposition;Ultrasonic;Corrosion resistanc 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1前言 1

    1.2文献综述 1

    1.3合金共沉积 2

    1.3.1合金共沉积的条件 2

    1.3.2合金共沉积的类型 3

    1.4超声波电镀镍 3

    1.5超声波电镀铜 4

    1.6超声波电镀锌 4

    1.7超声波电镀镍基合金 4

    1.8超声波电镀镍基复合镀层 5

    1.9超声波对电沉积的作用机理 6

    1.9.1强化电沉积过程 6

    1.9.2搅拌分散作用 6

    1.9.3除气和除杂作用 6

    1.9.4清洗和活化作用 6

    1.9.5细化镀层晶粒 6

    2 实验方法与仪器 7

    2.1 实验材料与实验仪器 7

    2.1.1实验材料 7

    2.1.2 实验仪器 7

    2.2 实验过程 7

    2.3 镀后样品检测

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