
    摘要通过实验表明三价稀土离子的 f-f 禁阻跃迁的吸光系数在紫外光区200~400 nm这一个范围内很小并且发光效率非常低。但是有机配体可以在紫外光区产生比较强的吸收,并且可以有效地通过无辐射跃迁完成把其激发态的能量转移给发射态,从而敏化稀土离子的发光,使得稀土离子在200~400 nm这个范围内吸光系数小这个问题得以解决,而我们将这样的通过配体来解决的方式产生的效应称为 Antenna 效应,这是个光吸收-能量传递-发射过程。据报道,除β-二酮外,芳香羧酸也可以敏化稀土离子的发光。58520

        本论文拟以Eu3+为稀土中心离子,并添加配体水杨酸 (Hsal)和邻菲啰啉(phen),通过化学反应来合成稀土离子铕的三元配合物NH4Eu(sal)4(phen)2,并且培养其单晶,通过研究配合物的晶体结构,来确定配合物的结构与组成。利用荧光光谱、红外还有热重分析等方式来解析配合物,并对其完成表征工作。


    Experiments show that trivalent rare earth ions f- f forbids the transition of the absorption in the UV region of 200 ~ 400 nm, where the absorbancy index is very small and  the luminescent efficiency very low.But the organic ligand can produce relatively strong absorption in the UV region, and can effectively transfer the excited state energy to transmit state through the nonradiative transition completely to sensitize fluorescence of rare earth ions, which makes this problem that the light absorption coefficient of rare earth ions in the 200 ~ 400 nm is small can be solved, and the way used to solve the problem is called Antenna effect.According to reports, in addition to β- diketone , aromatic carboxylic acids can also sensitize fluorescence of rare earth ions.

    This paper intends to make Eu3+ ions for rare earth center with the ligand salicylic acid (Hsal) and o-phenanthroline (phen), which would be for synthesis of ternary complexes of rare earth europium ion NH4[Eu(sal)2(phen)4] through chemical reaction, and cultivate its single crystal to determine the structure and composition of complexes through the study of crystal structure. Those methods that fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared (ir) and thermogravimetric analysis would be using to analysis the complex, and the characterization of work would have been done.

    After searching the literature and doing its summary in a long time, we can find that there is no accurate analysis for ternary complex of eu(Ⅲ) with salicylic acid and o-phenanthroline its crystal structure.This paper hopes to pass with the method of the saturated solution of natural evaporation to produce single crystal and by crystal analysis to get the accurate crystal structure.

    毕业论文关键词:三元配合物铕-水杨酸-邻菲啰啉; 配合物单晶结构

    Keyword:ternary complex of eu(Ⅲ) with salicylic acid and o-phenanthroline ; Single crystal structure of complex 

    目    录

    摘要... 2

    第一章文献综述. 3

    第二章三元配合物铕-水杨酸-邻菲啰啉的合成与表征. 5

     2.1实验部分... 5

      2.1.1配合物的合成 5主要试剂和实验器材... 5三元配合物NH4[Eu(sal)4(phen)2]的合成. 5

      2.1.2配合物单晶研究.. 5主要试剂和仪器... 5配合物单晶的培养方法. 8

    2.2结果与讨论.. 8

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