

    Abstract The PVC paste products are widely used in industrial or life,but added a large amount of plasticizer,easily influenced by temperature,pressure and the medium influence contact,evaporate into the air,infiltrate been withdrawn liquid or solid,influence on the performance and use of products,and endanger human body health. This paper mainly through the performance study of different plasticized paste,choosing the excellent performance and conforms to the green,healthy and environmentally friendly plasticized paste. This article adopts the advanced scientific method test of plasticized paste viscosity,gelation properties,and degree of plasticizer migration performance,comparing different types of plasticizer and the influence of the ratio of plasticized paste quality performance. Explore environmental protection plasticizer to promote the development of industrial technology in our country..

    毕业论文关键词:PVC增塑糊; 粘度; 凝胶化; 增塑剂迁移

    Keyword: PVC  Plasticized paste;Viscosity; Gelatinization; Plasticizer migration

    目    录 3

    1 引言 4

    1.1环保增塑糊研究背景 4

    1.2环保增塑糊的塑化程度的研究 5

    1.3环保增塑糊的凝胶化性能的研究 5

    1.4环保增塑糊的粘度研究 5

    1.5环保增塑糊制品中增塑剂迁移的研究 5

    1.6本课研究的主要内容 6

    2 实验部分 6

    2.1塑化程度 6

    2.1.1实验部分 7

        2.1.2基准塑化程度测试 8

        2.1.3不同增塑糊塑化程度的差异 9

        2.2增塑糊迁移速率 10

        2.2.1实验部分 10

            2.2.2增塑糊的迁移率随时间变化 10

        2.3 糊粘度测试 11

        2.3.1实验部分 11

    2.3.2不同增塑糊粘度随时间的变化 11

        2.3.3环保增塑剂不同配比对粘度的影响 12

        2.4 凝胶化时间测试 13

        2.4.1实验部分 13

        2.4.2不同增塑糊凝胶化性能随时间的变化 13


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