


    Abstract Recent years,a significant number of  heavy mental which are produced by urbanizatioin and industrialization  has caused serious water pollution. Specially,there are Lots of  heavy mental ions that is undegradable in effluent,and Cr6+  is the most poisonous among them. Cr6+ couldn’t be degraded,but in approach of biological accumulation access human body so as to endanger health of  people instead.

    At present,the treatment manner of chrome contained waste water including ion exchange process,chemical reduction method,electrolytic process and adsorptive process. Inside of them,people prefer adsorptive process because of it employ easy equipment so that it’s easy to be operated. Besides,the steady effect and recyclable are also the advantages of it. Considering all above, activated carbon gets the extensive applied as a result of  the universality,Low-price,strong adsorption,and easy to be recreated. So,the  experiment choose a effective method that is activated carbon adsorption to manage trade waste sewage,in order to find the most effective conditions by compared at different adsorption time,dosage,pH and reaction temperature. Thus, we could find the advantages of this method.


    Key words: chrome-contained waste water; activated carbon;adsorptive process

    1 引言 4

    1.1  选题背景 4

    1.2  国内外研究现状 4

    1.3  发展趋势 5

    2 研究内容和拟解决的主要问题 5

    2.1  研究的基本内容 5

    2.2  拟解决的主要问题 5

    3 研究方法及措施 5

    3.1  研究方法及手段 5

    3.1.1 静态实验 5

    3.1.2 动态实验 6

    3.2  技术路线 6

    3.3  实验方案 6

    3.3.1  实验材料 6

    3.3.2  实验步骤 6

    4 结论与展望 7

    4.1  结论 7

    4.1.1吸附时间对吸附效果的影响 7

    4.1.2 投加量对吸附效果的影响 8

    4.1.3 废水pH 对吸附效果的影响 8

    4.1.4 温度对吸附效果的影响 9


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