

    本论文首先综述了稀土硼酸盐发光材料的性质和常见合成方法,同时也概括性地讨论了发光材料的主要种类、特点、制备方法以及改进的主要途径。然后,通过水热法制备YBO3:R3+( R=Eu , Tb , Sm , Tm ),最后利用SEM 和荧光光谱仪等方法对所制备的样品进行表征。此次制备硼酸盐选用硼酸作为硼源,观察在正交反应条件下(改变反应时间,反应物比例,酸碱度等)所制备出硼酸盐的形貌特征。同时研究了Eu3+ 、Tb3+ 、Sm3+ 和Tm3+在YBO3:R3+(R=Eu, Tb,Sm,Tm)基质中的发光特点以及制备工艺不同时对Eu3+和Tb3+的发光性质的影响。主要内容可分为如下:

    1. 利用水热合成法,在180℃、最佳反应时间、恒温条件下,选用硼酸作为硼源制备硼酸盐,其中改变PH值(6~8),利用透镜电镜对样品进行表征,根据样品形貌择优选择后续最佳PH值。

    2. 利用水热合成法,在180℃、最佳反应时间、最佳PH值、恒温条件下,选用硼酸作为硼源,以Y作为稀土离子源,改变反应物比例,并与反应物比例进行正交来制备硼酸盐,利用透镜电镜对样品形貌进行表征。

    3. 以Y的硼酸盐作为基质,分析掺杂Eu3+、Tb3+ 、Sm3+ 和Tm3+ 在这些基质中的发光材料发光特性。


    The study on preparation and luminescent properties of rare earth borates luminescent material

    Abstract: Application of rare earth luminescent materials present everywhere. According to statistics, in the new world patent, the rare earth-related inventions accounted for one-fifth of the total number of patents. The reason is taken seriously and application of rare earth elements, because of its unique electron shell structure. Rare earth luminescent materials advantage lies in its ability to absorb, conversion rate, in particular, has a strong ability to emit in the visible region, and stable physical and chemical properties. Since the persity of different structures borate matrix structure consisting of a B-O coordination mode, the matrix materials suitable for different light sources of excitation, the value of its application in the lighting, communications, increasingly highlight display or the like, it is considered to be very practical value of the light-emitting material, the main purpose of the current study is a rare earth borate controlled synthesis its morphology and structure, morphology studies - structure - relations between the three luminescent properties, hoping to get a light higher efficiency, better color stability of the phosphor.

      This paper first reviews the nature and common synthesis methods of rare earth borates luminescent materials, but also a general discussion of the main types of luminescent materials, characteristics, preparation methods, and the main way to improvement. Then, prepared by hydrothermal YBO3: R3 + (R = Eu3 +, Tb3 +, Sm3 +, Tm3 +, Dy3 +), and finally by SEM and fluorescence spectroscopy and other methods of the prepared samples were characterized. The choice of acid as prepared in borate boron source, and observed under crossed reaction conditions (type of solvent and the change ratio, reaction time, ratio of reactants, PH, etc.) borate prepared topographical features. Also studied Eu3 +, Tb3 +, Sm3 +, Tm3 + in YBO3: R3 + ( R = Eu3 +, Tb3 +, Sm3 +, Tm3 +) two substrates of the light emitting characteristics and the preparation process is not the same for Eu3 + and Effect of Tb3 + luminescence properties. The main content can be pided as follows:

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