

    毕业论文关键词  电生物反应器;硝基氯苯废水;外加电场电压;急性毒性测试


    Title   Electric Biological Reactor for Degradation of     Nitrochlorobenzene Containing Wastewater 

    Abstract This  paper describes the  sources and characteristics of nitrochlorobenzene wastewater,and summarizes existing nitrochlorobenzene wastewater treatment technology. Via controling of reactor parameters such as the applied electric field voltage, to explore the optimal operation conditions. By using UV spectrum, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and other detection methods, analysising of the intermediate products and combining with references, to infer the mechanism of anaerobic degradation of nitrochlorobenzene. Advanced of the technology was evaluated by means of analysising the toxicity of yielding water. It was founded that electric field environment favored the reduction and dechlorination of the degradation. The acute toxicity test showed that notri chloro compunds are converted into amino compounds after the treatment of UASB or BES-UASB, and the structure of target pollutants changes and the toxicity of the raw water decreases greatly. The results of experiment indicated that electric bioreactor responses to nitrochlorobenzene wastewater could achieved a result with ideal degradation and biological treatability improvement.

    Keywords  electric bioreactor; nitrochlorobenzene wastewater; applied electric field voltage; acute toxicity test 

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  序言 1

    1.1.1  氯代硝基苯类废水的来源及污染 2

    1.1.2  氯代硝基苯类废水的危害 2

    1.1.3  氯代硝基苯类废水的特点 2

    1.2  氯代硝基苯类废水处理技术 2

    1.2.1  物理处理技术 2

    1.2.2  化学氧化还原处理技术 3

    1.2.3  生物降解处理技术 3

    1.2.2  耦合处理技术 3

    1.3  本论文的选题意义 3

    1.4  研究工作主要内容 6

    2  实验 7

    2.1  实验药品及仪器 7

    2.1.1  实验药品 2

    2.1.2  实验仪器 2

    2.2  实验装置与方法 7

    2.2.1  UASB反应器的设计及搭建 2

    2.2.2  反应器的启动 2

    2.3  分析与测试方法

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