



    毕业论文关键词  PM2.5  危害  质量法  湿度  


    Title   Study on the Collection and Concentrations of PM2.5 on NJUST Campus                                                                         

    Abstract PM2.5 is a kind of fine particles which is common but has always been neglected,it is the primary who cause the visibility of the city decreasing,furthermore,it’s also the matter to injure people’s health among the air pollutants of the city. This paper introduces the definition, causes, distribution and hazards of PM2.5.The requirements for PM2.5 of WHO and several countries including China are also given in this paper. The studies aimed at understanding the concentration of PM2.5 in NJUST. 

    This paper use PM2.5 sampling facility to collect samples and gravimetric method to detection the concentration of PM2.5. The relation between the weather and the concentration of PM2.5 is studied. The data monitored agree nearly with the trend which is demonstrated by the data of Nanjing, though sometimes slightly higher. Lastly the influence of humidity on the concentration of PM2.5 is also studied.

    In general, the concentration decreases while the air humidity increases, and it increases while the temperature increases.TSP has the same trend. According to the statistics, the concentration is significantly reduced in rainy days and returns to sustained high values in sunny days.

    Keywords  PM2.5  hazard  gravimetric method  humidity   


    1. 绪论 1

    1.1  PM2.5的概念 1

    1.1.1  灰霾 1

    1.1.2  PM2.5的定义 2

    1.1.3  PM2.5的性质 3

    1.1.4  PM2.5的组成 4

    1.1.5  PM2.5的形成原因 5

    1.2  PM2.5对气候环境与健康的影响 5

    1.2.1  对生产生活方面的影响 5

    1.2.2  对人体健康的危害 5

    1.3  PM2.5的采集与测定方法 6

    1.3.1  PM2.5测定标准 7

    1.3.2  测定方法 8

    1.3.3  采集方法:捕集测定法 8

    1.4  本课题的研究内容 11

    1.4.1  本课题的研究内容 11

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