
    摘要以双酚芴、4,4’-二氟二苯砜和4,4’-(六氟异丙叉)双酚为原料,经溶液缩聚制备了聚醚砜共聚物(PES),并通过付-克氯甲基化制备了氯甲基化聚醚砜共聚物(CMPES),然后采用溶液共混法将PES及相应的CMPES经溶液共混、季铵化及碱化反应成功制备得到了一类有机/有机复合型季铵化聚芳醚砜阴离子交换膜。采用核磁共振分析、离子传导率、离子交换容量、吸水率、尺寸变化等表征了膜的性能。结果表明,两种聚合物由于具有相同的主链结构,相容性非常好,制备的阴离子膜结构均一、透明结实。与未改性膜相比,复合膜在很大程度上降低了膜的尺寸变化及吸水率,并有效提高了膜的机械性能。例如,复合膜rQPES2/1-(8/2) 在30oC水中膜的平面方向和厚度方向的尺寸变化分别为0.08和0.10,吸水率为42.4%,离子传导率为19.3 mS cm-1,90oC时达到52.8 mS cm-1。这表明共混改性是制备阴离子交换膜的一种较为有效的方式。63820

    毕业论文关键词  燃料电池  阴离子交换膜  季铵化聚醚砜  复合膜  离子传导率


    Title Preparation and properties of blend anion exchange membranes


    Poly(ether sulfone)s (PES) copolymers were successfully prepared through condensation polymerization of 9,9’-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) fluorine (BHPF), 4,4’-difluorophenyl sulfone (DFDPS) and 4,4’-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphenol (HFBPA) as starting materials., and their corresponding chloromethylated products (CMPES) were prepared by Friedel-Crafts chloromethylation. Then, a series of organic/organic blend quarternized poly(ether sulfone) membranes were successfully prepared by solution blending, quaternization and alkalization. The fundamental properties of the blend membrane were performed through NMR, ion conductivity, ion exchange capacity (IEC), water uptake (WU) and dimensional changes. The blend anion exchange membranes were homogeneous, transparent and ductile because the two polymers had excellent compatibility due to the same polymer backbone structure. The results indicated that the blend modification led to significantly lowered dimensional change and water uptake, as well as improved mechanical properties. For example, the blend membrane of rQPES2/1-(8/2) exhibited dimensional changes in the in-plane and through-plane directions of 0.08 and 0.10, respectively, water uptake of 42.4 %, and hydroxide ionic conductivity of 19.3 mS cm-1 at 30 oC and 52.8 mS cm-1 at 90oC in water. It suggests that blend modification is an effective method to prepare anion exchange membranes. 

    Keywords  fuel cell  anion exchange membrane  quarternized poly(ether sulfone)s   blend membrane  ionic conductivity

    1  引言 1

    1.1  燃料电池 1

    1.2  阴离子交换膜燃料电池 2

    1.3  阴离子交换膜 3

    1.4  研究内容及目的 6

    2  实验部分 6

    2.1  实验原料与仪器 6

    2.2  性能测试与表征 8

    2.3  复合型季铵化聚醚砜类阴离子交换膜的制备 11

    3  结果与讨论 13

    3.1  聚合物及膜的制备 13

    3.2  离子交换容量(IEC) 14

    3.3  吸水率 14

    3.4  尺寸变化

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