
    摘要本次研究从南京某城市污水处理厂二沉池里的活性污泥中,经筛选分离后得到一株三乙胺的高效降解菌T12,它能以三乙胺为唯一碳、氮源生长。经过对T12的生理生化指标的分析及16S-rDNA基因序列的测定、同源性比较分析,最终鉴定T12为革兰氏阴性索氏杆状菌 (Thauera sp.)。63853



    Abstract A bacterial strain, capable of utilizing triethylamine (TEA) as sole carbon and nitrogen source was isolated from activated sludge collected from secondary settling tank in the municipal sewage treatment plant in Nanjing . This strain is identified as gram-negative soxhlet bacillus(Thauera sp),according to its morphological, physiological and biochemical analysis and the analysis of its 16S-rDNA gene sequence and homology analysis, and named T12.

    Its degradation characteristics, including temperature、initial pH、amount of inoculation、the carbon source、a nitrogen source and the initial concentration of triethylamine.The results show that its degradation optimal temperature and pH of T12 are 30℃ and 7.5 respectively. Increase of the inoculation quantity can promote the degradation rate within the range of 0.1% to 6%.  A low concentration of carbon source addition can accelerate the degradation of triethylamine, a high concentration of carbon source addition restrain the degradation reversely.Add carbon source can significantly promote the degradation of triethylamine, but a high concentration does not greatly improved compared with low concentration .The low triethylamine concentrations is conducive to the degradation of triethylamine, and the higher the concentration, the lower the degradation.

    Keywords:Triethylamine ,Isolation and identification ,     Thauera sp(T12),  Degradation characteristics.

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    1绪论 1

    1.1三乙胺概述 1

    1.1.1三乙胺特性 1

    1.1.2三乙胺的毒性和危害 1

    1.1.3三乙胺的相关环境标准 1

    1.2三乙胺废水的处理现状 2

    1.3三乙胺生物降解的研究进展 3

    1.4课题研究内容和意义 4

    2三乙胺降解菌的分离、鉴定和降解特性的研究 6

    2.1材料与方法 6

    2.1.1培养基和试剂 6

    2.1.2三乙胺浓度的测定 7

    2.1.3菌体生长量的测定 7

    2.1.4 COD、TOC浓度的测定 7

    2.1.5主要实验仪器 7

    2.2菌株的分离与鉴定 8

    2.2.1三乙胺降解菌的富集与纯化 8


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