


    The Effect of Magnetic Field on the Shortcut Nitrification - denitrification Process

    Abstract: Short-cut nitrification process is an advanced bilogical nitrogen removal process due to its advantages of low cost and simple process. Appropriate magnetic field has been proved to enhance the activities of microbies and improve the biological nitrogen removal efficiency. In the present study, two SBRs with or without magnetic fields were conducted to achieve the shortcut nitrification process. The impacts of magnetic fields on the performances of the SBRs were determined by monitoring the influent and effluent nitrogen concentrations. Meanwhile, the transformantion of nitrogen during the running cycle of the reactors were also analyzed to investigate the impacts of magnetic fields on nitrogen removal process. In addition, the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) of the sludge in both reactors were extracted and analyzed, to analyze the influnce mechanisms of magnetic fields. The results showed that the magnetic fields could shorten the startup period of shortcut nitrification process, and enhance the nitrite accumulation rate. The nitrogen removal efficiency was improved by the magnetic fields during the stable running period. In addition, the magnetic fields could improve the activaties of microbes, and could enhance the production od EPS.

    Keywords: Biological nitrogen removal; SBR; Magnetic field; Shortcut nitrification 


    1.前言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究目的及意义 2

    2.实验材料与方法 2

    2.1实验装置 2

    2.2接种污泥与实验用水 3

    2.3实验内容 4

    2.4分析方法 4

    2.4.1 常规水质指标的监测 4

    2.4.2 污泥胞外聚合物的监测 5

    3.实验结果 7

    3.1不同反应器污水处理效果分析 7

    3.2不同反应器污染物周期变化过程分析 8

    3.3不同反应器胞外聚合物组成分析 10

    4.结论与展望 10

    4.1结论 10

    4.2 展望 11

    5. 参考文献 11




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