


    Process design of an annual output of 30 tons of  Lacidipine

    Abstract: Lacidipine is a tablet that can be used in the treatment of hypertension. This product is two dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. The effect is to dilate the peripheral arteries, reduce afterload, decrease peripheral vascular resistance and lower blood pressure. The purpose of this research is the workshop process design of lacidipine, strive to establish a rigorous, efficient and orderly production line, with three phenyl phosphine chloride, butyric acid tert butyl ester products such as raw materials, through the Quaternary sequence, phosphorus chemical neutralization procedure, condensation process, cyclization step four step by lacidipine crude product. After the refined lacidipine product, this paper expounds and detailed design of the whole process, finally gives the design specification. The main content of this design is the material balance, energy calculation, equipment selection, cross process utilities charge diameter calculation, workshop layout, drawing the process piping and instrument diagram (PID) technology, equipment layout, workshop supervisor layout etc..

    Key Words: Lacidipine;Material balance;Piping and instrument process flow sheet; work loor plan


    1前言 1

    1.1 设计的目的及意义 1

    1.2设计依据及基础资料 1

    1.3产品名称和设计规模 1

    1.4产品描述 1

    1.4.1简介 1

    1.4.2市场情况 2

    1.5 主要原辅材料物性参数 2

    2.工艺说明 5

    2.1工艺路线 5

    2.2工艺流程框图 6

    2.3 工艺流程叙述 7

    3.生产制度 10

    3.1生产计划 10

    3.2 生产安排原则 10

    3.3生产班制 10

    4.物料衡算 11

    4.1计算基准和相关数据 11

    4.2物料衡算 11

    5 能量衡算 20

    5.1 能量衡算目的 20

    5.2拉西地平能量衡算 20

    5.2.1各种参与过程的物质的比热 20

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