


    Abstract: With the rapid development of polyester industry, the global demands of ethylene glycol grow sharply, ethylene glycol can’t meet the growing demand of the market. In this paper, a feasibility study on the design of ethylene glycol technology coupling with dimethyl carbonate production is carried out, which includes the market demand forecast, product and production scale, technology plan, the supply of raw materials and utilities, site selection. The results show that the product is of good market prospect, moderate production scale, feasible technology, adequate supply of raw materials, excellent economic benefit. The site selection is located at Ningbo chemical industry park in Zhejiang Province, where has convenient transportation.

    Keywords: ethylene glycol, market demand, production planning, location selection

    目   录

    1前言 3

    1.1 项目概述 3

    1.2 项目设计依据 3

    1.3 项目背景 3

    1.3.1 乙二醇性质 4

    1.3.2 乙二醇用途 4

    1.4 建设意义 4

    2 市场需求预测 5

    2.1 国际乙二醇供需状况 5

    2.1.1 国际产能分析 5

    2.1.2 国际消费情况分析 5

    2.2国内乙二醇市场分析 6

    2.2.1 国内产能分析 6

    2.2.2 国内消费情况分析 6

    2.3 乙二醇国内外价格分析 7

    2.4 乙二醇市场需求预测 7

    2.5 乙二醇下游产品分析与预测 8

    2.6 综合评价 8

    3 产品方案、生产规模及工艺流程 8

    3.1 产品方案比较 8

    3.2 产品方案确定 8

    3.3 生产工艺流程 10

    3.3.1 乙烯环氧化工段 10

    3.3.2 环加成反应工段 10

    3.3.3 酯交换反应工段 10

    3.3.4 萃取分离工段 11

    3.4 生产规模确定 11

    4原料供应、公用工程及节能措施 12

    4.1 主要原料供应 12

    4.1.1品种及规格 12

    4.1.2年需要量及来源 13

    4.2 辅助材料供应 13

    4.2.1 辅助材料品种 13


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