    关键词:    交联;聚氨酯丙烯酸酯;核壳结构;含氟;性能
    The Study on The Preparation of Core-Shell Cross-linked Fluorinated Polyurethane - Acrylate Emulsion
    Abstract: The polyurethane emulsions suffer from poor hardness, water resistance and alcohol resistance.However the polyacrylate polymer emulsion is lacking in film forming and
    poor wear resistance.So we have researched the preparation, characterization and performance analysis of core-shell structure of crosslinked fluorinated polyurethane acrylate emulsion, through modification of polyurethane acrylate emulsion,focus on the inference of different fluorine content, different cross-linking form and different DMPA content, and by particle size test, infrared chromatography, water absorption rate, acid and alkali resistance test, comprehensive study of various properties of emulsion and film stability. The study shows that
    different fluorine content on the emulsion film has a certain effect, The fluorine content of more and more detrimental to the film, the emulsion film forming difference,the film is brittle at room temperature and 50℃; film and various physical and mechanical properties of polyurethane acrylate cross-linked polyurethane acrylate as compared to non-crosslinked better。
    Keywords: crosslinked;polyurethane acrylate;core-shell structure;fluoride;property
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    含氟聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的概述    1
    1.2    交联型聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的概述    2
    1.2.1    自交联    2
    1.2.2    高温交联    2
    1.2.3    乳化机理    2
    1.3    核壳结构聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的概述    3
    1.4    研究意义及目的    3
    2    试验    4
    2.1    原料名称、规格及来源    4
    2.2    聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的反应机理    4
    2.3    聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的制备过程    5
    2.3.1    聚氨酯的制备过程    5
    2.3.2    丙烯酸酯改性聚氨酯的制备过程    5
    2.4    聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的合成工艺    6
    2.5    聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的性能测试    7
    2.5.1    乳液外观测试    7
    2.5.2    固含量的测量    7
    2.5.3    胶膜吸水率测试    8
    2.5.4    胶膜的耐水性测试    9
    2.5.5    胶膜的耐酸性、耐碱性测试    11
    2.5.6    乳液成膜性测试    11
    2.5.7    铅笔硬度的测试    11
    2.5.8    红外光谱    11
    2.5.9    乳液稳定性测试    11
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