MOOCAndElderly Education
Abstract:With the gradual deepening of the concept of lifelong education, learning to build a maturing society, elderly education as a lifelong education system is an important component of great significance indispensable. In computer technology, the Internet and other modern database technology and the rapid development of information technology today, a new concept of "MOOC" more and more people's attention. Sharing networks and information resources, and comprehensive utilization of various information technology allows MOOC been more mature, along with computers and networks become more popular in the household, the elderly and new issues of education combined with each other into a MOOC had to consider the issue . This paper summarizes the basic concepts of education and MOOC elderly, documentation and papers on the specific study of the elderly and the characteristics of the current problems of education, on the basis of existing MOOC summarizes the issues of education and the elderly MOOC combination possible, and MOOC according to the current mode of operation, to improve on some features that make it possible for the elderly population, education for the elderly. Finally, the elderly MOOC research and educational prospects summarized, and it reflected in this study has been described shortcomings.
KeyWords:Elderly Education ; MOOC
第1章绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 论文选题背景及意义 1
1.3 本文创新点和论文主要内容 2
1.4 本章小结 3
第2章文献综述 4
2.1 相关概念回顾与界定 4
2.1.1 老年人 4
2.1.2老年教育 4
2.1.3 MOOC 4
2.2 发展老年教育的必要性 5
2.3 我国老年教育发展历程 6
2.4 我国MOOC发展现状 7
2.4.1 学术文献方面 7
2.4.2 高校MOOC平台方面 7
第3章当前我国老年教育的问题及特点 9
3.1 国外老年教育发展和办学模式 9
3.1.1国外老年教育的发展 9
3.1.2 国际上老年教育的主要模式 9
3.2 国内外老年教育的办学形式 10
3.3 老年教育产品的需求 11
3.4 我国老年大学管理制度和普通高等院校管理制度对比 12
3.5 当前我国老年教育的问题 13
3.6 当前我国老年教育的特点 14
3.6.1 老年教育本质特点 14
3.6.2 老年教育的对象和目标特点 14
- 上一篇:高中信息技术教育的问题研究
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