    Hui Preschool Bilingual Teacher Survey of instructional design capability ——to Hui District of Jiaozuo City, Village A Case Study of a bilingual kindergarten
    Abstract:The teaching design adility is a crucial part to bilingual teacher,and it is the starting point for teachers to make the educational concept into practice. To some extent,the kind of bilingual teaching design will cause corresponding bilingual teaching behavior and the effect of pedagogical practice.After an investigation,wehave found that there exist some problems in the preschool bilingual teacher’s teaching design capabilities.First,a part of teacher lack the adility to design a bilingual teaching aims.so.they just accumulate some examples and lack the overall understanding of the teaching aims.second,when the bilingual teacher choose.teaching content,they can collect comprehensive and accurate information.however,theability to integrate the contents is relative weakness.finally,the bilingual teaching methods is lack of innovation.on the one hand,the preschool bilingual teachers are tend to choose more common and convenient methods,while,they seldom take the difficult method.on the other hand,a few of teachers take initiative to study and develop the bilingual teaching method.all these weakness have already affected children’s learning inbilingual and the quality of bilingual education.Therefore,the following suggestions should be taken, First, the design and accurate bilingual teaching objectives; two, proper arrangement of bilingual teaching content; three, the organization officially bilingual teaching activities.
    Keywords: Preschool; bilingual; instructional design capability
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、学前回汉双语教师教学设计能力的现状    2
    (一)双语教学目标的确立    2
    (二)双语教学内容的确定能力    3
    (三)双语教学手段    3
    二、学前回汉双语教师教学设计能力的问题    4
    (一)幼儿教师设计双语教学目标的能力不足    4
    (二)幼儿双语教师整合教学内容能力相对薄弱    4
    (三)幼儿双语教师教学手段创新性不足    4
    三、提高学前回汉双语教师教学设计能力的建议    5
    (一)设计准确的双语教学目标    5
    (二)组织适当的双语教学内容    5
    (三)组织正式的双语教学活动    5
    参考文献    8
    附录    9
    致谢    10
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