The Investigation Of The College Students' Attitude Toward Homosexuality
Abstract:In order to understand the future society mainstream cognition and attitude towards gay people, promote social harmony and stability and development. In this paper, using the college students' attitude toward homosexuality scale of Nanyang institute of technology, 162 survey of college students, from the gender, professional and family structure analysis of contemporary college students' attitude towards homosexuality and cognitive. The result is no significant difference attitude towards homosexuality among college students. Different gender of college students' attitude towards homosexuality in understanding agree (t = -2.786, p = 0.006) and the emotional reaction (t = -5.584, p = 0.000) significant difference was found in two dimensions, but no significant difference in behavior; College students' attitude toward homosexuality no significant difference in family structure. So this article concluded that the college students' general attitude towards homosexuality is tolerant, but there are some students can't accept gay community.
Keywords: Gay; Attitude research; Undergraduate
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1研究设计 2
1.1研究对象 2
1.2研究工具 3
1.3施测程序 3
1.4统计方法 3
2研究结果 4
2.1受访者对同性恋态度的整体情况 4
2.2不同性别对同性恋态度的差异比较 4
2.3不同专业对同性恋态度的差异比较 5
3分析讨论 6
3.1受访者对同性恋态度的整体情况的讨论 6
3.2受访者对同性恋态度在性别上的差异讨论 6
3.3受访者对同性恋态度在专业上的差异讨论 7
4结论 7
参考文献 8
附录 9
致谢 11
在世界的文化背景下,同性恋往往不被人们所接受,并且可能受到人们的歧视甚至是打击。自1973年美国心理协会、美国精神医学会将同性恋移出精神疾病诊断分类标准,并且重新对同性恋定义“同性恋是指一个人无论是在性爱、心理、情感及社交上的兴趣,主要对象均为同性别的人,这样的兴趣并未从外显行为中表露出来” [1]以来,社会关注的焦点也更多的放在了同性恋群体上。但是同性恋群体在社会上能不能正常的生活不仅要看他们自身及心理学家的看法,更多的要看社会大众对同性恋的接受程度。大学生是具有较高素质和文化修养的人群,大学里的文化环境也比较开放,因此他们能更好的接受新的思想观念。要预测社会整体对同性恋态度的发展方向,选取大学生群体作为施测对象是非常可靠的。因此,为了了解整个社会对同性恋的态度,预测未来社会对同性恋的接受程度,我们选取大学生为参考对象[2]。