Middle school scientific inquiry refers that during the scientific inquiry, through experience the same process as scientists conduct scientific inquiry, students can learn scientific knowledge and skills, experience the fun of scientific inquiry, learn scientists studying methods of inquiry, and comprehend scientific thought and spirit. Scientific inquiry plays a very important role in teaching, But the time and space in class for inquiry experiment is limited, teachers should lead students to conduct extracurricular inquiry experiment and guide students to take part in various extracurricular scientific inquiry activities. This article focuses on extracurricular scientific inquiry experiment, it analyzes the current conditions of extracurricular scientific inquiry in middle school science teaching, and it conducts research on middle school science inquiry experiment design.
Keyword: middle school science; scientific inquiry experiment; stimulate learning interest
目 录
1 引言 3
1.1中学科学课外探究实验研究现状 4
1.2研究背景和研究意义 4
2课外探究实验设计要求和原则 5
2.1 《新课标》对中学科学课程内容的要求 5
2.2 课外探究实验对教学主体的作用和要求 6
2.2.1对学生的作用 6
2.2.2对学生的要求 6
2.2.3对教师的作用 7
2.2.4对教师的要求 7
2.3课外探究实验设计原则 7
2.3.1科学性原则 7
2.3.2促进性原则 8
2.3.3探究性原则 8
2.3.4学以致用原则 8
2.3.6合作交流原则 8
2.3.7可操作性原则 9
3中学科学课外探究实验设计研究方法 9
3.1文献资料法 9
3.2调查法 9
3.3实践法 10
4课外探究实验及其效果分析 10
4.1“吹不掉的球”课外探究实验 10
4.2“海市蜃楼”课外探究实验 11
4.3“会爬坡的漏斗”课外探究实验 12
4.4课外探究实验效果分析及其意义 13
5结论 14